How to Write Quality Content

how to write quality content

One of the major concerns for anyone starting to build a website is how to write quality content.

Quality content that will strike a chord with your readers and get them to interact with your website.

Interactions that will put markers into the Google rank index which will help your site grow in the ranks and authority in your niche.

Lets face it we have all arrived at websites where the content has been that poor that we have simple clicked on to the next page listed on Google.

We don’t want that to happen to our visitors as that is lost readers and possible followers of your website never to return.

So how do we go about writing content that will engage our readers and keep them hooked to the bottom of the post and on to other pages and to interact with our website.

Well to be honest there are many techniques to master to be able to do this properly and hopefully we shall be able to reveal these to you as we work through this post.

Basic structure of a website post

  1. Title
  2. Opening statement
  3. explore that statement with point 1
  4. continue with point 2
  5. possible point 3 and 4
  6. Conclusion

As you can see this is fairly basic but all posts should have this basic principal. The way these points are displayed is dependent on the type of post you are trying to write.

  • Is it an informational post?
  • Is it a review?
  • Is it a sales page?
  • Is it a comparison page?

As you can see these posts will have different layouts but the main principles still remain. All will have a title, opening statement, points and conclusion.

The way those are developed depends on the post type. All of these posts will have an interaction point.

That can be a call to action of some kind, a link to a product, a review post, or asking for social sharing.

These help get our post noticed by Google as the more interactions the post has the higher it will appear on their search results and the more traffic our post will get.

So its important to get this correct. We want as many of those visitors arriving at our post to interact in some way.

This topic is so large it warrants a few posts on it so we will not go into the variations now. We will just concentrate on the actual written content within the post.

Writing to attract good SEO metrics is very important.

What I mean here with SEO or search engine optimization metrics is using keyword placement and writing your content to include different variations of your keyword to attract traffic from those as well.

For placement it is important for on page SEO to include your main keyword in your post title, the first paragraph and somewhere towards the end of the post.

If your article is very long as in a pillar or silo post then you can include it more times throughout the post.

It is not recommended to put the keyword in too many times throughout your post though. This is called keyword stuffing and will get you de-indexed with Google.

TIP: You can also name your image that goes along with your post so it includes or has the main keyword also.

If you write your content naturally you will put in automatically relevant similar keywords which are called LSI Latent semantic indexed keywords.

What this means in its basic term is other associated words and phrases that are similar in meaning to the keyword you are using.

For example the keyword “taking your dog for a walk” can be associated to, “walking your dog”, “dog walking”, “walk a dog”, etc etc.

As you can see if you write naturally a piece on any subject matter you will be writing LSI keywords as you go. The trick here is to not to think too much about it.

If you try and fool Google or other search engines into using keywords that you deem important but don’t really sit with proper grammar you will find a negative effect on your post.

Simply write as if talking to your friend explaining to them the subject in mind. Don’t try to over think or re-work it.

If looking for KW ideas for your post is a good place to check out. Google Adwords is another place to check out for keyword ideas.

Be careful you don’t take the traffic figures as fact as these figures are presented for Google Ad campaigns and not strictly search traffic.

It does give you a list that you can download to work into other keyword tools like Jaaxy for more accurate results.

Make sure to check for grammar errors!

Writing quality content also requires proper use of grammar and correct spelling. It is better to write with quality in mind from the outset.

Remember that people from all around the world may visit your website and if you use a lot of street vernacular they may be confused or misinterpret it incorrectly and completely miss the point you were trying to make.

It is therefore better that you try to write correctly and correct any mistakes you see as they are pointed out to you.

Writing inaccurate or grammatically incorrect will not make much of a difference to the way Google finds and ranks your page or post but the real test is how do your visitors react with it.

If they cannot understand you then that interaction will be very minimal and your post will stink in the rankings.

Don’t be worried here if you make the odd mistake that will not hurt but if you consistently write badly written content readers will be put off quickly and it will hurt your website overall.

My advice is to proofread all your work and if you can get a family member or friend to do the same. If English is not your first language you can pay for someone to proof read it for you.

A cost that may be required to take on to keep things correct you can use fiverr or oDesk to recruit people for this.

You could if you require get someone to translate from your native language to English if looking to compete on the English servers.

When building a website the first thing you need to come up with is the niche and for the purpose of this post we will conclude that this is already in place. Then comes the content.

We need to search for keywords’s that have traffic looking for them that we can rank for. Tools like Jaaxy and others will help us find these keyword’s.

So when we choose a keyword apart from things like traffic and competition one other consideration is can we write an article that will provide our readers with something that will enhance their interaction on the website.

Practical example to follow!

For example you have a niche on leather motorcycle jackets and you searched and found that “discounted leather motorcycle jacket” has reasonable traffic and low competition.

You may think OK I can write a post on this and get traffic however are you really providing your readers with a good post.

I would assume anyone who has searched for this keyword will be looking for shops already selling discounted jackets and coming to a written post about that may not provide the best opportunity for you.

If you had a post with links to websites that have discounts on jackets with pictures and some text you may get some reward but ranking that post will not be as easy.

In fact there are many affiliate marketers who stay clear of words like discount, sale, special offer etc as these are usually taken by e-commerce websites and are normally hard to out rank.

Unless you are building such a site then that would be OK. The main point here is this keyword may not be the best use of your time and effort.

On the same niche a keyword like, “how to choose a leather motorcycle jacket”, may provide better reading for your visitors. You can break this article up into points very easily

Title : How to choose a leather motorcycle jacket

(someone coming to this post will be wanting to know what to look out for so you need to provide that info)

Opening statement

When choosing a leather motorcycle jacket there are a few things you need to consider these are, quality of the leather, purpose, body protection and of course cost.

We shall discuss these options giving you the pros and cons of current trends and ones to avoid and in the process show you how to choose a leather motorcycle jacket.

Point 1 Quality of the Leather

The main bulk of the price for a jacket is made up in the leather. You may think leather is leather but not so.

You have 3 main options Budget, Moderate and Exclusive.  As the price goes up so does the comfort and pleasure in wearing the jacket for long periods.

Budget leather will be tough and fairly inflexible and is good for rough outdoor work or motorcycle riding if not worried about style. 

Moderate leather will be more flexible and easy to wear and can be used as a fashion accessory as well as casual motorcycle riding. 

The exclusive leather is very flexible and really nice to wear feeling like a second skin. It is much more a fashion item than a motorcycle riding jacket as coming off and damaging it will prove very costly.  

Point 2 Purpose

Not everyone looking to purchase a leather motorcycle jacket has actually got a motorcycle. As a fashion apparel motorcycle jackets have been used in many circles, rock music being one large group.

Others just like the look and feel of them and use them just as a jacket for going out. Lastly the main group is motorcycle enthusiasts who need the jacket to wear while out cruising.

Point 3 Protection

Some jackets will have extra built in body protectors to help in the event of falling off the motorcycle. Sliding down the tarmac on a nylon fabric is not a pleasant experience as the material shreds in seconds causing a damaging abrasive effect to your flesh and bone.

Leather on the other hand will allow you to slid on the tarmac without this effect and protect you from serious injury.

Point 4 Cost

As mentioned above there are three main options available in leather motorcycle jackets quality, purpose and protection and these all have a bearing on the final cost you will be required to pay.

Motorcycle jackets can cost anywhere from $50 – $5000 depending on these options.


When choosing a leather motorcycle jacket you first need to decide what you need it for is it for fashion or will it be practical or indeed a combination of both. Then what type of leather can you afford from budget to exclusive.

If the jacket is practical how much body protection should it have. Lastly what is your budget?

I would go for the best jacket you can purchase without breaking the bank as a quality jacket like an Affiliate jacket Link will last a very long time and while being practical can also be used in a fashion conscious way.

So there you have it, jackets are wide and varied come in many styles, colors and textures. I do hope this post has shown you how to choose a leather motorcycle jacket.

Any queries or comments please leave a note below

So there we have an example of a post 559 words with keyword in title the first and final sentences, 2nd keyword 3 times in the post and 3rd keywords motorcycle, leather, jacket throughout the post also.

The room for your affiliate link at the end. As an unwritten rule only use that link once every 500 words. So if you were to write a 2000 word (pillar post) you could put in 4 links if appropriate to the post.

Breaking up your content to be read easily.

Read these next 2 sections which are identical to see which reads easiest.

  1. Post structure tools to keep things interesting!

Within the post structure we also need to do several things to help the reader go through our post without getting bored, confused or feel the need to leave.  Things like breaking blocks of text down into smaller segments, highlighting key points with BOLD italics or coloured text. Use bullet points or page indents to change sections of text and make it stand out from the rest. Add images and graphics and put in subtitles and comment boxes throughout the post. OK if you are writing a small 400 word blog post the need to do all of this is not required keeping segments small and maybe 1-2 sub titles is all that is required but if you plan to do a pillar post like this one then the need to divide it up further with these tools is more evident. The majority of readers/visitors searching the web want to find the information they need quickly and if you don’t give it to them easily they will bounce (Google term meaning leave without interaction) very quickly.

  1. Post structure tools to keep things interesting!

Within the post structure we also need to do several things to help the reader go through our post without getting bored, confused or feel the need to leave.

Things like breaking blocks of text down into smaller segments, highlighting key points with BOLD italics or colored text.

  • Use bullet points or page indents to change sections of text and make it stand out from the rest.
  • Add images and graphics and put in subtitles and comment boxes throughout the post.
  • OK if you are writing a small 400 word blog post the need to do all of this is not really required.
  • Keeping segments small and maybe 1-2 subtitles is all that is required but if you plan to do a pillar post like this one then the need to divide it up further with these tools is more evident.
  • The majority of readers/visitors searching the web want to find the information they need quickly and if you don’t give it to them easily they will bounce (Google term meaning leave without interaction) very quickly.

Creating content in this way allows the reader to scan through a post quickly to pick out key points that interest them or they are looking for.

[box] If they like what they find there is a good chance they will continue to read the whole post and interact with it which is what we are aiming for.[/box]

Do research beforehand.

If you are writing a blog post about a topic you are involved in then the words will come easy as you explain the subject in hand. If however you are in territory and writing about new subjects then the need to do your research beforehand is vital.

In doing a new blog post I will first come up with an idea, search for a decent keywords, go to a few websites promoting similar posts on the same content, read what they are saying and then write roughly in a note pad my post structure dividing each section into smaller points.

Then when I am ready to start typing the post I have all the relevant material to hand.

Even if you know the subject matter well it is a good practice to jot down beforehand how you are going to divide up the post.

It will save you time in the long run cutting and pasting a poorly typed post into a better written one.

You will still have to do a bit of editing when you have typed it as when you read through your posts again and again you will see things that need added moved or deleted. 

So in Summary

Research your subject.

Jot down points and basic post structure.

Write in small sections making it easy to scan.

Use highlighting tools to break up content further.

Proofread your post, fix spelling and grammar mistakes.

As the internet evolves so does content procurement and we all need to be flexible to keep ahead of the curve.

What tools or tips do you use to write your content?

 Image © Can Stock Photo Inc. / Stocksolutions


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