Getting Started

Hi guys and welcome to the Getting Started page. First off what is internet marketing? Well in its simplest form internet marketing is sending customer traffic to a web page with an affiliate link so they can buy a product. When they buy you make a small commission on the sale from the website that sold the product. This way you don’t have to worry about invoices, postage, packaging, and returns etc. These are all taken care of by the online shop website.


The most widely know of these is Amazon but there is basically a website affiliate program for any product worth selling online. Big shops like Amazon are great because they sell so many things but smaller niche market shops are also very good and can offer better percentages for commission so we want to look them up also. More to follow on that subject.

Here are a few things that are required to become an Internet Marketer,

  • Niche Market
  • Website
  • Buyers
  • Products to sell – Can be physical (computers, shoes, clothes) or digital (downloadable)
  • Traffic
  • Low competitive Keywords
  • Hard work and desire to succeed
  • Ability to take criticism and negative feedback (a must)

OK that’s only a small portion of what is required but they are the main points and without these you will NOT GET FAR! The most important of these is, “Hard Work”, I cannot stress this enough. Rome was not built in a day and like any good business we need to build the foundations before we can grow and really make an impact. If you are on the market for a get rich quick scheme then you are in the wrong place. We don’t sell that here! 

Hard Work what does that mean?

Hard work can be broken down into steady continual progression of activity. As long as you are doing something everyday or every other day at worst you can make great progress on your niche. This activity can be a number of things,

  • Sharing content on social platforms,
  • Building social following,
  • Writing new content,
  • Responding to comments or emails,
  • Building new pages,
  • Researching new keywords,
  • Joining new affiliate programs,
  • Looking for new products

This is again a small list of things that need to be done but doing any one of these is important to your overall success. Don’t feel because you didn’t get your post written today that you are a failure if that were so then I too am a failure. As long as you keep moving forward with whatever time scale you can afford to work at your campaign you can progress.  

Part Time or Full Time?

I started this process working full time in my day job with only a few hours each evening and weekends to work at my niche but slowly and steadily I have noticed traffic increases, social following increases, impressions on affiliate links increasing, sales on my ebay shop increasing and so on. I had only been working on my site for a few months after doing months of research and then one failed niche before I started to see results.

If you can work at this full time then you will have extra hours in the week to work at your campaigns and so should see results a bit quicker but a word of caution. DO NOT RUSH this process. I see it time and time again a post written carefully and with good structure is far better for SEO or search engine optimisation that a half baked post that only barely covers the subject of the title.

“Thinking about your articles before you write them”

A good friend of mine Ty Johnson told me this when I was starting to write for my site chuckingfluff and I slowed down my writing thinking more about what I wanted to get across in the posts and how I wanted to structure my site etc. Those considerations helped me get that site to No 1 and a good lot of the posts to page 1 on Google. I still have loads more work to do with it as its nowhere near finished and in fact as it is my passion I will probably work at it till I pass on from this life but I enjoy writing it and maybe if you check it out you may get a feel of that from my writing.

I still remember that WOW feeling when I reached No 1 on Google for my websites main keyword and seeing the jump in traffic because of it and it has stayed there since. That was a good day! Once you get to that position its a question of scaling things up. The more posts /pages you write the more authority with Google you get and the more weight that carries so the combined effect of your writings is more that the individual posts. More on this later.

One of the main things to consider about this process is your niche market so we will talk about that here!



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