How To Vlog! Film, Edit And Upload To YouTube Review

How To Vlog! Film, Edit And Upload To YouTube Review

A quick and straightforward 31-minute guide on getting started on vlogging like a pro!

Description of the Course on Skillshare

Now, breaking into the vlogging scene is much easier than it was a few years back.

Video content has become very crucial in building successful online marketing strategies.

But how do you start vlogging when it is the first time you have come across the term ‘Vlog?’

Well, it isn’t jargon – at least not anymore when almost 40% of YouTube consumers wait for notifications from favorite content creators to watch daily, bi-weekly, or weekly vlogs.

You might have searched the word’s meaning up, but things aren’t as crystal clear as you expect.

No worries!

Spare some 31 minutes out of your schedule to take the course and learn the fundamentals of vlogging.

Sara is your instructor for the course.

She is eloquent, knowledgeable, and responsive.

She has put together a short but sweet course to introduce you to making vlogs, editing, and uploading them on YouTube.

Being one of the shortest courses on YouTube so far, you can complete this at a go.

Since it isn’t a complex topic that needs you to be hands-on and sit through the tutorials taking notes and snip shots, you can listen to Sara while clearing the junk pile in your living room couch.

Maybe starting your first vlog in a clean and neat space will inspire you to do more.

She breaks the course into seven broad sections, and each covers a different topic.

The sections are short and last between 5 to 11 minutes, depending on the complexity of the topic.

It is a straightforward course free from jargon and is geared towards the beginner vlogger.

If you are new to YouTube or have been there but have never vlogged before, here’s an excellent place to start.

I learned not to trash short courses like these because most of them get you straight to the point in the shortest time ever to save you the hassle of sitting through long hours of online lectures.

Well, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t enroll in comprehensive courses.

Those are incredible and deeper if you want to grasp every detail of your learning.

But if you are looking for an introductory piece to brief you on any skill or topic quickly, such short

introductory ones are the best.

I always like to clear my doubts of a crappy course by browsing its students’ reviews and did the same for this one.


The students wrote fantastic reviews that pushed me to take the course.

800+ students are talking about the course, and spending 5 to 10 minutes checking the reviews saves you the resources of sitting through a substandard course.

26,000+ students have since enrolled in the course since it was launched on Skillshare.

This is a huge number of aspiring vloggers meaning the course is worth your time and money.

Ninety-one students are currently watching the course as I write this review, and you can join them and share your vlogs with the world.

Vloggers too earn decently, and being on the YouTube space where people like Ryan Kaji, Mr. Beast,

Logan Paul, Lily Singh, and the likes are; you can do it too.

Ryan Kaji is one of the highest-paid YouTubers earning $20+ million in 2022.

It shows very high demand and consumption of video content today.

The course is relevant to anyone beginning their journey in film making, visual storytelling, video editing, or creative filming.

The course panel has five essential sections you should go through.

The About section briefly lets you into the course.

There isn’t much there – just Sara encouraging you to start with whatever camera you have and record yourself doing something you had planned to do in the day or night.

Find what other students are saying in the review section and leave yours there once done with the course.

Honest reviews, please!

The discussion section is where you ask your questions concerning vlogging or any relevant to YouTube, and you will be answered by either the instructor, students, or both.

As I said earlier, Sara is very responsive and gets back to her students within 72 hours.

This is pretty fast compared to most instructors who reply after a month, months, or not at all.

Scroll to the bottom of the discussion page to find the question bar to type your queries.

Also, if you need clarity or assistance on anything vlogs, browse through the discussion section to see if they’ve been asked and answered before.

It saves you a lot of waiting time, and you can proceed with learning and practicing without pending answers.

The project and description section has your assignment instructions.

Yes, even online courses have small tasks after each section to help you gauge your courses.

Though not all, most have one or more projects to work on.

The assignments are optional, so no pressure!

In the project section, Sara asks you to film a short 10 to 15 minutes video doing what you intended for the day or talking about anything.

She shares a sample vlog through a hyperlink of her daily life in New York City and hanging out with fellow YouTubers.

Sara also shared a link to her YouTube channel and was shocked to click on it.

929K subscribers and over 104, 499,000 views as I write this review!

To reach this point in a decade, she has learned tons of things and shares them with you in the course.

Let me say you are learning from a pro!

Take the course today and watch your growth journey vlogging like Sara!

Vlogging Course

Course Content and Overview

First, vlogging being centered on cameras, there is quite a bit to learn.

Video is among the best and most effective modes for people to know you.

Leads see you, and their brains develop impressions of you that help to build trust.

All these work together for the success of your online marketing strategy.

Video making isn’t a complicated profession if you know the ins and outs.

You might not be able to create a Steven Spielberg type of production, but with time, you will have a massive following like Sara’s, and most if not all of them will pride themselves on your skills.

Even as a novice at vlogging, quality is crucial.

Here’s the good news: the cost of quality video creation has steadily dropped and continues to as the days go by.

There is a plethora of affordable yet high-quality equipment to use that can shift you from a novice to a professional in days.

Some of the cameras Sara uses are Sony A7 III, GH5, iPhone 11 Pro, Sony RX100 V, BMPCC6k, and 4k.

Those are her choices because she is an established YouTuber and has grown over time.

If you have no sophisticated gadgets yet, start with what you have.

You will learn the importance of developing a niche – this is a subject matter viewers are most

interested in.

Specialize in an area that you love and which an audience exists for.

It could be fitness, gaming, make-up, home improvement, cooking, and other good stuff.

Doing something you love comes through in your vlogs.

It keeps you engaged and in anticipation of creating new content.

One thing the instructor focuses on is documenting and not creating.

She insists on documenting your life or business and not stressing yourself about new creative content ideas.

You will learn the importance of sharing your thoughts and experiences.

Share your inspirations and frustrations – you will be creating content while never wondering what to talk about.

And, since you are yourself, your audience will instantly relate to you.

Sara explains why you need a unique voice when telling your story in her tutorial.

Vlogging is a competitive space, and it is crucial to see yourself as a brand.

Your content should be the product.

Besides creating engaging videos, they have to be aesthetically pleasing enticing to your audience.

It will be essential to think about unique things to offer your audience that other vloggers aren’t offering.

These could range from outstanding visuals to years of experience in your area of expertise.

Whatever you settle on, ensure it is present in most if not all your videos and won’t get old as time goes.

You will learn about some of the vital gear to start with and others you should invest in to improve the quality of your vlogs.

Even as you plan to upgrade, remember that the gear you need highly depends on the types of vlogs you create.

Travel vloggers don’t use the same tools as bakers.

Apart from the camera, lens, tripod, microphone, and the likes, it would be best to have good editing software.

Sara shares her favorite one – Adobe Premiere Pro CC and shows you how to use it at the beginner level.

But there are other in-depth courses that you can enroll in if you want to hone your skills.

Such tools help you convert raw footage into real vlogs.

It is cheaper to use such programs than hiring professional editors.

You can choose to use what Sara recommends or different software that works equally well.

She explains how to master video editing, which is the longest section of her course.

Even if you don’t have high-quality filming gear, there is a way out, but not always.

Excellent video editing can bail you out of unimaginable situations, but you don’t have to compromise on shooting quality if you can.

As you familiarize yourself with Adobe Premier CC, only share your videos when you feel that the result is presentable.

Even if it is common to return to older videos and be surprised at how much you have grown, it is vital to meet industry standards even as a novice.

For consistent editing, ensure you edit all videos using the same guidelines like shorts, cuts, and music.

You can create your unique intro clips to be identifiable by your audience at first glance.

Check out Sara’s course and see what more you need to do before uploading your vlog on YouTube.

How To Vlog! Course Review on Skillshare

Who is the Course for?

  • Novice vloggers who want to learn the steps of creating exciting vlogs.
  • Struggling amateurs who want to better their vlogging skills
  • Fresh visual storytellers
  • Aspiring video editors

What you will learn

  • Filming and how to use your camera
  • The right type of camera you need
  • Why telling a story is more important as a vlogger
  • How to use Adobe Premiere CC to edit your vlogs
  • How to publish your vlogs on YouTube


  1. An introduction to the course
  2. Filming and using cameras
  3. The type of camera you need
  4. The art of storytelling
  5. Editing using Adobe Premiere CC
  6. Publishing the vlog to YouTube
  7. Conclusion

Course Requirements

A computer with an internet connection

Any functional camera

FAQs – Questions on the How to Vlog! Film, Edit & Upload to YouTube Course

Q) Does the course talk about how to get monetized on YouTube?

A) Unfortunately, this one doesn’t. However, there are detailed YouTube course reviews on the site that have specific sections on monetization.

Q) Will I learn about sponsored content and affiliate marketing in this course?

A) No, this is an introductory course on vlogging and only caters to those who want to know how to film, edit, and upload videos to YouTube.

Q) Can I use a smartphone to start vlogging?

A) Sure! Sara encourages you to start vlogging with a phone camera if you don’t have professional equipment.


Whether you want to start vlogging for content marketing or sharing your life, hobby, or career, it is essential to know how to do it right.

This is the right time to start since the world is consuming more video content than text or print.

Take the course, organize all your thoughts, sit, and create concepts for the video series.

While at it, your videos must be valuable to the viewer.

They could be educational, informative, or entertaining.

Quality matters, so keep improving as you progress.

What Students Say About the Course

She shows the work process behind vlogging and sets very realistic expectations, and that is what I needed!

A short course right to the basics and would recommend any blank starter.

Sara creates a very informative course for beginners and simplifies everything with explanations.

Vlogging Course

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