Blogging for a Living – Perfect Small Budget Project

Blogging for a Living - Udemy
Make blogging your full-time or part-time career through a comprehensive course that covers everything from blogging basics to monetizing your newfound skill.

Description of the Course on Udemy

Can someone live fully off of blogging alone? Sure! Why not when Arianna Huffington is making loads.

If you are wondering who this is, worry not? She is the owner of the popular site-The Huffington Post.

Others who are doing equally well blogging are Michael Arrington of Techcrunch, Pete Cashmore of Mashable, and Mario Lavandeira of Perez Hilton among others.

I know you are shocked at the figure and perhaps have googled how much top blogs make.

Yes. You can make it a lucrative side income or main venture as with steadiness and consistency, blogging can be a substantial full-time venture.

You might be wondering where to begin from. Sigh! You are in the right place.

Currently, walking into a university or college to learn blogging as an independent course is impossible.

In fact, one of the craziest things you would do when there are alternative methods.

Online blogging courses have come to make life easier. Theo has created an incredible one and I swear the reviews are what pushed me to enrol.

The course is rated at 4.6 stars after enrolment of 22,100+. It is among the BESTSELLERS on Udemy and I can agree it is worth your resources.

In this 12.5-hour course, she explains how you can start blogging and earn from it. He is frank as it isn’t a walk in the park.

You will need a lot of preparedness, practice, and creativity to stay afloat in the industry and grow steadily.

They say if you preach water, stay off wine. She teaches what she does. Theo has been working in the online space since 1995.

She is a blogger, an Amazon seller, and an online marketer. So you are getting the first-hand experience of what works and what doesn’t.

We all hope to work smart and in this period, most people wish to retire early. If you want to make blogging a thing that pays your bills and more, generating sales throughout on auto-pilot is what you should aim for.

As a blogger, you will have total freedom to work at your convenient time and place.

Theo designs and creates a professional blog and you can choose to follow along as you work on yours or learn first then try this on your own.

Her primary aim is to help you get the most out of the creation process while spending minimally.

But, remember he doesn’t compromise on the results. You will learn how to attract traffic in thousands using absolutely free methods.

In the process, everything gets fun to do and you can create a profitable venture out of your new blog.

What I love about the course is that it is beginner-friendly. Whether you have prior knowledge on the topic or not, you will get everything here.

As you work from section to section, you slowly get to the advanced level where you can choose to take other courses covering specific aspects of blogging that you’d want to learn.

With over two decades of experience building websites and blogs, Theo guides you through the early stages of your new hobby or career.

If you are ambitious enough, you should have a stable and running online business after completing this course. Here are a few reasons he shares why having a blog is important:

  • Blogging is a good form of getting free traffic from search engines like Google.
  • You can use blogging as a marketing tool for anything from e-commerce to affiliate products and Amazon listings among other things.
  • Non-techies will appreciate what blogging offers because of the user-friendly technology.
  • Turn all your interests into profits through blogging as you can monetize any subject.
  • Blogging is virtually free and anyone can design and run a fully-fledged blog for as little as $10 monthly.
  • Once well-developed, this is an asset you can sell in the future.

Did you know you can be an employed teacher earning a decent monthly salary from your school and still teach via a blog and earn from it too?

You can blog about what you love doing and realize your dreams through blogging.

Remember, once you create a blog, you need to manage and continue building it.

As it earns you an ongoing income, it can also be sold for a fortune if you’ll want to dispose of it.

Whether you are a fresher or have an idea of how blogging works, this course will be of great help.

You will follow Theo step-by-step and click-by-click as you build a professional blog from scratch until monetization.

You will learn how to promote your blog using the free methods he recommends.

There is more on building email lists and subscriber lists to help you double your income without much effort.

Even if she strives to ensure you are spending nothing, there are a few costs to incur. You will spend less than $10 on hosting monthly.

Theo’s course uses WordPress as its primary blogging platform. It is user-friendly and comes with all the relevant functions and features any blogger needs.

The course is procedural and explains how to create various posts and determine those that will work best for your blog.

It teaches how to research and get the ideas and content you need for creating posts.

Post optimization is crucial for your blog to grow steadily. Learn this here in the simplest way possible.

Who is the Course for?

Anyone who wants to earn from blogging

Freshers and amateurs who want to learn about blogging whether or not they intend to earn from it

What you will learn

  1. Design and build a fully-fledged professional-looking blog on any topic from scratch
  2. Create posts using the best practices and identify those that work well for your blog
  3. Monetize a blog using high commission products
  4. How to use the Amazon Associate program
  5. Build lists of high-quality email subscribers from your website or blog.
  6. List building strategies and get more than fifty subscribers daily
  7. Know the methods and areas to source for great content and ideas for blog posts
  8. Send high-quality visitors to the blog from various free sources
  9. How to monetize your blog using highly converting products
  10. Set up accounts using the best affiliate network
  11. Monetize your lists using active or passive strategies


  • Level 1
  • Getting started
  • Setting up the blog
  • Creating logos and headers
  • Creating pages and writing posts
  • Extra customization and designs
  • How to integrate a shop on a blog (optional)
  • Level 2
  • Readying your blog for traffic
  • Driving traffic to the blog
  • Earning from a blog
  • Level 3
  • Setting up the Autoresponder
  • Creating lead magnets
  • How to write emails that will be opened and read
  • How to build lists with search engine optimization
  • Building lists with kindle
  • How to use Twitter to build lists
  • How to use YouTube to build lists
  • Passive list monetization
  • Thank you pages
  • Important resources and lessons
  • Extra free training

Course Requirements

No prior knowledge of or experience in blogging is needed

A text editor like notepad

FAQ’s – Questions on the Blogging for a Living Course

Q) I have been using a free SSL certificate on a WordPress site using site ground hosting but it has expired. Is there a way I can renew it to reopen the site?
A) There is a way out. Log in to your hosting account. On the cPanel, scroll downwards to the ‘security’ icon. Then, click on ‘Let’s Encrypt’ follow with the rest of the steps and this should help you renew it.
If you are using the most recent user interface, head to ‘Site Tools’ and click on the menu. Choose ‘Security’ then, SSL Manager. If you face any problems, contact your hosting support.

Q) I am a newbie and don’t have enough to spend more on a domain. Can I buy from a site like GoDaddy as it is more affordable to me and use it here?
A) Yes. You can buy from whatever platform you feel is within your budget. You can advance as you progress in your blogging journey.

Q) My audience is broad and are readers of both English and Russian. Can I have both languages on my blog?
A) It would be great if you created a separate blog for the Russian audience. The platform doesn’t avail this function but some of its users have used plugins to create multilingual blogs. You can check out resources on the internet to see if combining languages in one blog will be a good path to take.

Q) Does the niche of my blog have to be specific or I could make it broader? How should I do this? Can I create subcategories on my site or have everything on there as I would?
A) This will depend on the niche you choose. Some niches like tennis and everything about it will have to be specific. Others like parenting or love and relationships can be broader.
Creating subcategories will be ideal for orderliness. Also, you will get to know which categories draw more traffic to your site and you can maximize on them.

Q) Do I get a certificate of completion once done with the course?
A) There is one available for download once you complete all the course sections. This should be proof of enrolment and undertaking the course.

Q) I am using my username as my site email mistakenly instead of keying in a nickname. What should I do?
A) Once you set a username, you can’t change it whatsoever. There is an option to add a nickname. Go to ‘Users’ and select ‘edit’. This allows you to edit your profile by adding a nickname then selecting it as your display name.

Q) How else can I get help besides using the Q & A section?
A) There is a private Facebook forum created and has been active for over 18 months now for students taking this course. It has additional training tutorials and material and is easy to navigate posts. Share your questions here and you will get help from the instructor and other students.


Here’s a short task for you: research the amounts your favourite blogs are making monthly and see if you won’t be shocked.

Yes, for me, some are way over $100,000 monthly. These are among the success stories and blogs that inspired me to begin my websites.

Let superstar bloggers inspire you from now onwards.

And with the help of great information and courses like this, you should be motivated and press on when things toughen up in the earlier days.

Theo is knowledgeable and with over 20 years of experience in blogging and internet marketing, she shares what works and what doesn’t.

She is inspiring and if you feel like it is the right time to start your site, checking out her course will be helpful.

To add to your idea of the kind of potential available, Weblogs Inc., a renowned blogging network is said to earn $30 million or thereabout monthly from 13 million new visitors.

Remember that it isn’t only about making revenue but also about building a stable business that you can sell.

John Wu, a 22-year old sold his blog for about $15 million. See why I said a blog is an asset?

The longer you refuse to take action, the more bucks you are losing!

The primary difference between those who create successful blogs and sites and those who fail is that the succeeding lot doesn’t give up.

If you want to be like Spencer Haws, Neil Patel or Brian Dean enrol in the course today!

What Students are saying about the Course

I started on my own but realized I had made tons of mistakes with the help of this course. While YouTube helped, it didn’t do everything.

My subscriber lists have tremendously grown and I can see positive change on my blog. I wish I started this earlier.

If you are yet to enroll in this course, you are missing A LOT!!!


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