What Blogging Basics do Beginners Need to Know

what blogging basics do beginners need to knowA 23-minute FREE course catering to aspiring bloggers and those at a beginner’s level.

Learn how to create a stunning blog and create catchy content for your audience.

Description of the FREE Course on Skillshare

So you have been thinking about starting your blog?

That’s great!

But I know you might have been procrastinating for the past couple of months or even years.

Maybe, your reason is not having access to the right resources.

This is true for many. I know that the internet is flooded with so much about blogging.

Some info is outdated, more of it is crappy and very shallow.

Or, if you find a detailed article or video, the jargon is extremely heavy for a novice to cut their way through and set up a responsive blog successfully without help.

Do you need help?

I am sure you do! And this course by Theresa will be very educative, informative, and helpful.

First, she is an expert travel blogger and freelance writer.

Theresa started writing as a hobby for her enjoyment.

But she dived into it with all seriousness and here is one of her courses to share what she has learned over the years.

Anyone can come up with a course and monetize it.

But, it takes an experienced person to compile a great course that can impact anyone who enrols in it.

The latter is what Theresa has done as the reviews scream of the goodness of her content.

Yes! I go through all the course reviews before buying any. Even if it is FREE, I MUST!

By the way, that is how you get to know if what you are committing to is actually worth your resources.

Count on this one! You aren’t wasting your time.

She puts all the basics in 23 minutes and that is it! I know, you might think that it is shallow.

It isn’t! She hits the nail on the head.

Let’s be honest: You probably are here because you don’t know where to start from.

Such a short course with the basics for a fresher like you will be great. Plus, it is FREE!

Blogging is an excellent way of expressing yourself and Theresa shares how you can share your ideas and thoughts with the world.

While it is rewarding ten times over, there is a fulfilment that comes with it.

Like any new endeavour or undertaking, it is never all roses and chocolate. You might have issues setting up your theme or adding pages.

But that is fine!

Since it requires real work, she shares how to keep going even when you publish your content without a response.

Sounds discouraging, right!

It shouldn’t be! Even in business, you don’t expect to sell the very first day you launch it.

Heck, initially, when very few people were blogging, it was difficult to have visitors to the website.

But it isn’t a deadly killer. There are a few tips and tricks that you need to learn to set yourself apart from the competition.

But that will come in later after you have learned how to create a stunning blog.

If you are here and ready to start your journey, take the course!

Also, I highly commend you on considering starting your blog.

For some, it takes years to get their blogs off the dust and more years to build momentum.

For now, straight willpower is what you need. Stand up to this challenge and beat the hell into submission.

I run several websites with blogs on them and I can tell you it wasn’t all perfume.

On some days, it was stench but the results are rewarding today.

Every blogger’s experience is different.

I’ve seen some that launch, post in a week and will be a sensation for various reasons.

It happens but this isn’t the usual growth pattern.

Course Content and Overview

Knowing what you are getting into is part of preparedness.

But, getting honest information is more essential.

You don’t want to be overambitious and find it different when you are on the ground.

The course doesn’t cover everything you will need to know about blogging from start to finish.

It touches on five important sections of blogging that you need to understand as a novice.

It is among the shortest courses but how much effort you put in practicing and creating content will determine how fast you rise.

It isn’t an abracadabra affair for everyone.

It might take months or years. More resilience to ride through it is what you need.

There is a brain dump of so many things you need to ask yourself why you are considering your foray into this field.

Remember, not everyone can write catchy content even with the best training in the world.

Writing is a skill. If you are here because you feel like you can ace it, good for you.

But if you are seriously doubting your abilities, have practiced, and can’t seem to head anywhere, owning a blog isn’t difficult.

You could get an expert to create one for you and hire content creators on freelance sites.

It is a crash course for anyone who wants to start blogging and has no clue about how to begin.

For freelance writers, even if working on online writing platforms, having a blog is a bonus to landing great clients.

Theresa shares that she has landed some of her best deals through her blog.

She wants to help set her students up for this success.

It doesn’t matter if your blog is for advertisement, business, or sharing your life with everyone in the world.

You will learn how to start blogging in less than half an hour.

Blogging is a great way of earning a decent living. Most renowned bloggers can attest to living off of this.

Some fully, others partially.

Also, a blog is an asset.

Once you grow your blog to a sustainable stage and later feel like you would like to change things up or create more, you can sell it for a fortune.

Once you complete the course, you will have laid a solid foundation to start a beautiful and responsive blog.

Each section of the course has an assignment you need to complete.

Though not mandatory, it is excellent to use the tasks to practice before starting on your main project.

You will use this outline when you are ready to leap into the world of blogging.

Who is the Course for?

  • Anyone who wants to know more about blogging
  • Newbies who want to learn how to create their first blogs
  • Amateurs who are stuck with incomplete blogs and need to know how to grow them
  • Freelance writers who need blogs to support their portfolio
  • Brands who want to share their content with the world
  • People in any profession who want to share their ideas and thoughts

What you will learn

  1. The different platforms available for you to set up a blog
  2. Blog design and what it means, and the various types available
  3. Important pages to set up for your site
  4. Blogging and social media
  5. How to create punchy content and keep attracting more readers and subscribers


  • An introduction to the course
  • Examples of blogging platforms to consider
  • More about blog design
  • Pages you need to have on your blog
  • Social media
  • Tips and tricks for creating awesome content for your blog
  • Final notes

Course Requirements

A computer with an internet connection

Willingness to learn and implement

FAQ’s – Questions about the Blogging Basics (FREE) Course

Q) How do I measure the effectiveness and success of my blog?
A) Everything here depends on your targets and goals. If you intend to increase your brand’s awareness, focus more on the total visits.
If your aim is gaining customers, tracking social shares and conversions is crucial. The bounce rate gives a rough estimate of whether readers are finding your content relevant or helpful.
High bounce rates mean that the blog suffers from usability issues or poor quality content. Revise all your content and cross-check your website for any errors.

Q) Where do I get my blog’s analytics?
A) Blogging platforms differ. But, you will most likely find your analytics on the user dashboard.
The majority of webmasters use third-party tools like Google Analytics. Such tools track different metrics and aid in monitoring your blog’s performance.
You will understand your readers and visitors better and can view overall visits, top-viewed posts, traffic sources, and other helpful information.

Q) Can I convert my blog’s visits into leads?
A) Sure! But, it is better to convert your visitors into customers. Capturing their emails will help here. Offer them high-quality content and promise to keep delivering.
You can ass a sign-up form email newsletter below the blog post or in the sidebar. Remind them that signing up will alter them of all posts and updates.

Q) How long can it take me to build a reliable audience?
A) Approximately six months onwards. Some go as long as two years before posts gain traction. Then, you can build a reliable following.
For SEO, blogging won’t offer results in a fortnight. You need to keep pressing on even if there are no results. If you remain focused, every blog post will help attract new visitors.

Q) What is the most effective way of promoting my blog?
A) Using social media is considered the most effective method. Over 60% of people in the world are active at least on one platform.
The biggest spaces so far are Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Most businesses and brands use these three to market and promote their sites.
Paid advertising also works. They offer almost instant results but will have fewer conversions, unlike social media traffic.

Q) How can one respond to the comments on their blog?
A) Try to do this as soon as possible. Answering questions and replying to comments in a day or two show that your blog is being managed actively.
Show your visitors that you pay attention to them. Don’t miss replying to positive feedback as well.

Q) How often should one post content?
A) Most small businesses will publish one to four blogs weekly. Your frequency should be something you can maintain.
Gauge how much you can create in a week first before concluding the number of posts to publish. But, in blogging, consistency is crucial than frequency.
If you maintain posting a blog or two weekly, guests get accustomed to the release schedule. Before you begin posting, create a reserve of posts that can cover a month or two as you create new content.

Wrap Up

Creating a stunning and responsive blog post is one thing.

Consistently compiling and publishing top-notch content for it is another thing.

The two will increase your site’s performance.

This allows you to reap more out of the digital marketing strategies you implement.

Offering visitors educative and helpful info will increase engagement, skyrocket your conversions and leads.

Effective blogging needs the correct platform, research, scheduling, and more.

You need to ensure your site doesn’t have accessibility issues and learn to engage your audience.

If you are eager to boost your abilities and digital marketing efforts, check out this course.

Practice is crucial in increasing your blog’s effectiveness.

You will need to keep releasing new content and monitoring your results.

Pay more attention to aspects that work.

Play with what doesn’t work until you can continuously improve.

Above everything else, write like you are speaking face to face with your audience.

Avoid writing for search engines – this is what most people do and don’t see results.

Natural writing is excellent SEO.

Enrol in the course and learn how to do it even better!

What Students Say About the Course

Never taken a free course with good insights like this.

Theresa is good at what she does.

I needed something short to introduce me to blogging as I was finding it hard to start my own and this one came in handy.

A highly recommended course for newbies who don’t know how to start their blogging journeys.

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