Blogging Masterclass Tutorial: Creating Success in

Blogging Masterclass Brad Merrill on Udemy
A 3.5-hour detailed course on how to set up a beautiful and marketable blog that can stand out from the rest.

Description of the Blogging Masterclass Tutorial: How to Build a Successful Blog in 2021

Blogging is an excellent way of earning money online.

You might not rise to fame or stardom overnight but it is possible to set oneself up for greater success with tons of determination and hard work.

Hard work?

It isn’t what you think. The first step is paying for a good blogging course to help you know and understand the fundamentals of blogging before you can do anything else.

Or, you might have put up a free or paid blog already but don’t know how well to navigate it or make it grow.

This Blogging masterclass was prepared for you.

You can do some self-teaching using YouTube videos and following instructional blog posts.

Some have done this but many have wasted time trying out things without any progress.

Brad Merrill makes it easier through his course.

Anyone can wake up, create a course, and launch it online to earn from it.

Brad does it very differently.

He’s here to share his skills and knowledge with you all who want to create and grow your blogs.

For over a decade, he has been blogging and launched a blog on technology in 2010.

It has taken a few years for the blog to grow into what it is.

One of the largest technology publications! Monthly, he serves more than 500,000 readers.

Once you sign up for the course, you will be instructed by a guy who has featured on the popular Techmeme and Wall Street Journal among others.

It doesn’t take long.

The course takes 3.5 hours and has 3 articles as part of the course’s resources.

As a best-seller on Udemy with over 29,000 students who have enrolled, we can agree that the numbers speak so much about the course.

If you’ll sign up and feel dissatisfied, Brad gives a 30-day money-back guarantee.

I doubt you’ll do this because it is a game-changer.

Who is the Course for?

Welcome, all! The course is for anyone who wants to up their blogging game.

Whether you are intending to start, are a fresher at blogging, have been there for a year or two, or just need a few tips for improving your blog, check this out!

Contents and an Overview of the Course

Let’s get right into what Brad offers here!

But first, blogging seems to be among the things without a clear rod map.

However, several ways have been tried and tested by this guy and prepare you to be one of the successful bloggers.

There is no way you will launch your blog and be a pro educator.

The current world relies on receipts.

Yes, receipts! And Brad has them already.

He is experienced in his field and has proven to get the results that you too are seeking.

Just so you know, the course is practical.

It isn’t taught by a chap offering inflated promises.

As I earlier said, a little more hard work and determination will be needed.

Blogging is like a marathon.

It isn’t a sprint.

You won’t be a six-figure blogger by midday but will surely grow with the right tools.

For over a decade since he started blogging, he put together the gems of blogging into this course. Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • A successful blogger and their mindset
  • Building a WordPress website from scratch or improve your existing site
  • Discovering a proper blogging niche that will be interesting to work on and profitable in the end
  • Developing a system of planning new content and how to avoid running out of ideas
  • Understanding the importance of proper writing and ways of becoming a good writer
  • Writing creative blog posts that are lovable and shareable
  • Generating fresh content and how to repurpose content you created before
  • Familiarizing yourself with different types of blog content that are effective
  • Using various free promotion methods to get content to many people
  • Optimizing a site for SEO to allow consistent traffic to it
  • Promoting your content to reach as many people as possible
  • Building and leveraging an email list to help in generating traffic and revenue
  • Turning a blog into a business

There are numerous reasons for building a blog.

What motivates you to create one might be different from my inspiration.

Whether you want to build your business, grow an existing one, showcase your skills and expertise, or build relationships, a blog can be a good ladder.

This course encourages growth and that is what every other blogging course should do.

The possibilities are endless. If you can put in a little more work, you will be blown by the results.

Keep this in mind: it is a process and will need time.

Students who have enrolled can agree that you must be able to adopt new concepts to foster growth in every stage of the blogging journey.

Blogging is a puzzle and has so many pieces to it.

It is one thing to build a fully functional blog and another to maintain its responsiveness.

Everything will be momentous until here.

The primary problem can be in creating content that will resonate with your audience and drive traffic.

Brad talks about this and more on building email lists before you can take on a good monetization strategy.

Brad delivers the course in a rather understandable way regardless of your level of blogging skill.

You won’t spend a lot of time on certain concepts.

The course dives deeper into how to make your blog successful.

Remember this isn’t an abracadabra affair.

What strikes me as a great starting strategy is the establishment of a blogger’s mindset.

It is like a warm-up.

Here, you prepare yourself to put in as much effort.

Building businesses isn’t easy.

You need the perspective and motivation to prepare yourself to build a profitable and successful blog.

You’ll gain it in this course.

There is a framework for earning from the blog.

Understand that it is a gradual process at the beginning.

Implementing Brad’s strategy makes you a step ahead of others who haven’t taken the course.

Creating your content, digital services, and products is among the things you can do to improve your blog and its income.

The instructor breaks down this to ensure you achieve quality and consistency.

Traffic is everything in blogging.

Forget about the build it and leave it crap.

They won’t come after you build it.

They need an interest and directions to head there.

Brad explains how to compel visitors to your site.

You also learn the various ways you can use to get ideal visitors to the blog.

Did you know about audience engagement?

There is a section on email marketing to allow you to engage your audience as you journey in the blogging space.

Did I say spamming?

I didn’t!

The course explains some core components of blogging and each topic is essential in creating a successful site.

The resources might not be so many but just enough to give you a good foundation for this venture.

Overall, I love the course but I have a favorite of it.

It is the instructor.

Man, Brad did it.

He did it so well.

The laying out of the lessons is superb as it goes deeper into the topics without any fluff.

There are tons of value and his experiences are commendable.

While you can create a beautiful blog and stunning content, what marvels me the most is his detailed explanation on getting traffic to the blog.

He is one of the mission-based bloggers and instructors I have come across.

Note that the course keeps getting updated from time to time with newer insights.

He adds the changes in the blogging industry and more tips.

This ensures that the course remains relevant and will be a great reference even after completing it.

Did I mention that you have full-time access to the course? You do! Always drop by to see what’s new.

Blogging Masterclass Tutorial Brad Merrill on Udemy


  • An introduction to the course
  • The foundation of blogging
  • How to set up a website
  • How to generate content ideas
  • How to improve your writing
  • Blog content types that are effective
  • Content formats and how to repurpose already written content
  • Blog SEO
  • Strategies for content promotion
  • How to grow an email list
  • Monetizing a blog
  • Conclusion

Requirements for the Course

You don’t need any expertise in blogging to take the course.

Brad begins from scratch as he advances into the deeper concepts of blogging.

Willingness to learn as blogging is like a marathon.

While he explains the steps, you need to put them to use by creating your blog and making it responsive.

Before launching your blog, you need to buy a domain name and hosting.

Have a few bucks with you.

A computer connected to an internet source will do just fine.

FAQs – Questions about the Blogging Masterclass: How to Build a Successful Blog in 2021 Course

Q) Must one be tech-savvy to take the course?

A) No. With basic computer knowledge, you are good to go. Brad takes you the basic and advanced steps in the course. So, tech-savvy will not be a requirement when taking the course.

Q) Does it cost much to pay for the services before creating a blog?

A) Do you mean hosting and a domain name? It is cheap as Brad explains in the course. In short, the price of running your blog might be lesser than the cost of a Starbucks coffee.

Q) Can I do without a hosting service?

A) For this course to be more effective and profitable, you need to pay for hosting services. The host keeps the blog running throughout the web. So, choose the best one to ensure the safety of your blog posts and that your site remains running all the time.

Q) Overall, how long should I take to set up the website?

A) This will depend on your mastery of the course. But, it should be less than 20 minutes if you have everything together. You can do it on your computer step by step as you follow the instructor’s tutorials.

Q) What should I do if I get a hitch or run into an issue?

A) Reach the instructor. Brad responds to his students and will give as much help as possible. If it is to do with the domain and hosting, the provider can help.

Q) Can my blog be hacked?

A) Know that anything as long as it is online, can be hacked. However, you can minimize the chances by creating a more complex username and password. Ensure that you are smart and back up your content.


Here’s my honest opinion: if you have read this review and are triggered to try it because you feel that it can be a perfect fit for you at this time, don’t hesitate.

I am encouraging you because the earlier you start, the better for you.

You can start implementing these strategies sooner and reap from your efforts.

But, let me prepare you.

You’ll have so much work and projects to do.

However, they will be linked to the course that students have proven to be successful.

If you are new to the blogging space, you know that creating content and driving traffic to it is hard work.

It is crucial to ensure that you do things correctly if you will spend time, effort, and money building a blog.

At the end of the course, you should be able to create punchy content and grow your audience.

But first, enroll in the course!

What Students Say About the Course

Brad is very engaging and this course is exactly what I needed during this time.

In short, my blog is up and running. In three months, the traffic is considerable.

If you need an introductory course this is it.

Some sections have light examples but overall, it will work well for a novice who is yet to master the basics of blogging.

The course is informative for both new and advanced bloggers alike.

From the overview, you can be sure that it goes deeper into the corners of basic blogging before you can advance to other sections.

The delivery of the course is excellent.

Brad might not have gone deeper into how to market your content but for starters, this won’t fail you.


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