Mailchimp Tutorial for Beginners – Getting Started

Mailchimp Tutorial on Skillshare - Getting Started
Learn one of the common and most effective marketing forms virtually accessible to all businesses.

Description of the Mailchimp Tutorial for Beginners

You’ll learn from the best.

As far as I know, the best offers the best.

Allyson Van Houten, as the owner of the course, has more experience in Mailchimp currently working as the head of partner programs there.

Founded in 2001, Mailchimp has over 9 million users to date.

These users have sent out over 15 billion emails via the service monthly.

You can agree that this is among the most powerful and used marketing platforms.

Small, middle-size and large businesses use the service as a backbone of customer relationships.

Business today has evolved if you compare the happenings about a century ago.

So, to move with the dynamics, you need to know how to craft email marketing strategies to help you and your business.

Allyson in this course helps you to accomplish your entrepreneurship goals.

It is a short course that will not take much of your time.

The instructor delivers this in an hour and 11 minutes.

Everything is broken down into 14 lessons to address the core concepts, tactical resources, and guiding questions.

Over 51,000 students have enrolled in the course and the reviews speak much about the importance of the course to grow a business.

Almost everyone can access an email account as they are free and easy to create.

Basing on your organization’s size and marketing strategy, using emails will be a cost-efficient form of reaching more people.

Any digital marketer should prioritize this and other good email marketing courses.

It doesn’t matter if you have been using one email marketing strategy over and over for years or you suddenly realize its importance.

You will find lots of help here.

Allyson explains why you need to improve your email marketing strategies and skills.

The course also provides valuable resources and techniques that can scale your business using a good digital marketing strategy.

Fact: Most people have gotten stuck in one email marketing schedule.

Here’s the rescue.

This course helps you hone your marketing skills and the results are incredible.

You should know that very few email marketing courses offer enough practical advice that you can implement.

You might have developed one or more campaigns but are unsure of the gains.

After taking this course, the metrics below will aid in showing their importance.

  • More than 25% of revenue will come from your automated campaigns.
  • Segmented campaigns generate about a 760% rise in your revenue.
  • Email campaigns that have been triggered, well-targeted, and segmented will contribute about 77% of your return on investments.

Understanding the importance of automated and segmented campaigns, the tips and insights in this course should help you in putting together a workable strategy to embrace the tactics above.

Now’s the time to grab this and see a change!

Let’s dive into the contents of the course and see what Allyson offers.

Who is this Course for?

  • Anyone who is starting or wants to master lead generation.
  • Those who are looking for high-grade email marketing materials and want to grow their email lists.
  • People who want to understand the analytics of Mailchimp.
  • Business owners who want to increase their income through email marketing.

Contents of the Course

Let’s take a closer look at what’s in this course:

Mailchimp: Is this the king of email automation and marketing?

Yes. The instructor proves it in this course.

Most companies use Mailchimp in the marketing sector but its applicability is diverse.

It has high benefits and is a platform that will provide broad administration and extensive control of numerous advertising campaigns.

It is a satisfactory platform and many users can now create any kind of advertising campaign with highly optimized designs and excellent organization of the information.

The importance of the platform is evident in most businesses.

It is possible to precisely account for the open rates, bounce rates, and constant monitoring and scrutiny of delivery of any campaigns.

The instructor shows you how to create a perfect email for your business which is something that most people overlook.

You learn how to view all the detailed reports and how the platform analyzes the information.

Mailchimp gives precise details of clients’ emails, open rates, geographic, and social networks.

There is a method of integrating it with Google Analytics service to obtain huge benefits.

This helps in tracking conversations. Hence allowing you to have a rather comprehensive analysis and report on marketing optimization.

The course covers the importance of Mailchimp in providing a more streamlined and modern design for all your ad campaigns.

You can add various templates including the drag and drop and classic templates.

I can agree that the designs and colors of these templates are incomparable and outperform most competitions.

Allyson shows the reports the platform offers.

They could appear boring but what is offered is necessary for understanding all the performances generated.

It could be by a single advertising campaign or more.

Allyson might not have gone deeper into how Mailchimp is integrated with other social networks like Instagram and Facebook.

But, this too has great results as guys who’ve used this method have expanded their campaigns.

The course explains how the platform is excellent in creation, individual and general administration, and concrete scrutiny and analysis of results of ad campaigns.

The platform according to the course has so much potential and will be an ideal option for companies who want to optimize their processes of creating and monitoring ad campaigns.

Here’s something to note:

Mailchimp presents a few deficiencies in deliverability for those using outlook.

Despite this, it is an excellent option for brands seeking perfect control of numerous advertising campaigns.

This isn’t a marketing gimmick because she works for the platform, but Mailchimp has been awesome.

So far, there aren’t any complaints about usability. Its interface is easy to understand. Take the course to make the configuration process simpler.

Some users have reported having issues during their configuration and early stages of use. A user can have a real-time wide view of all their campaigns.

It becomes easier to know what is failing or succeeding. Tracking progress doesn’t have to be hectic.

But wait, there is more! It isn’t only about the ads, Mailchimp can be used for visualizing data and work that is based on the same data.

It is a good way to automate your marketing. Use it to create automated texts to reach customers early.

If you are looking for a course that covers marketing administration, join this one here.

You’ll learn how to reach the target audience and make your marketing to revolve around those who are interested in your information.

you can use Mailchimp to achieve numerous and great results all in a single place and enjoy a wide marketing control for cheap.

Some courses are compiled for newbies or small business owners but this has been put open for everyone.

The platform allows you to get up quickly and run affordably. In other cases, it could be free.

Stop with the over expectations and over-ambitiousness.

I am saying this because most companies think that a huge automation platform is what they need to ease their marketing struggles.

This could be a right thought by why not start small?

The course helps you make achievable goals and you can rise from there.

Send your emails, land your subscribers from the same place then learn the process and determine things that will work for your company.

You can test it first before upgrading to the advanced version with greater and functional features.

It integrates with almost everything and will be great for large businesses too.

Consider what this could mean for you and your business:

Buying this course and rising slowly from the ashes or ignoring the basics and struggling for ages.

I’ll let you decide.

But if I was to pick a side, I’d opt for the former.


  • An introduction to the course
  • The assignment
  • An overview of email marketing
  • What the goal is
  • The content to include
  • Types of emails you should send
  • How often you should send them
  • Some examples of great campaigns
  • Campaign creation and building a subscriber list
  • Segment subscribers
  • Writing a campaign creation
  • Designing a campaign creation
  • Testing, sending, and analyzing a campaign creation
  • Common drawbacks

Course Requirements and Prerequisites

Effective communication skills in spoken and written English.
A computer with an internet connection.
Willingness to learn and implement.

Mailchimp Tutorial on Skillshare - Getting Started

FAQ’s – Questions about the Getting Started with Email Marketing: Learn Mailchimp Course

Q) Is it possible to integrate one’s subscriber lists from their GoDaddy blog (hosted) straight into Mailchimp?

A) This is possible. Get to the Mailchimp help page and read more about integrations. There is more on how to do this there.

Q) How reliable is Mailchimp?

A) I can say very reliable. The platform has a healthier dose of good publicity and most people consider it a great starter service.

Q) What is the competitive advantage of Mailchimp?

A) To brief the explanation, I would say that here, its simplicity makes it the ultimate sophistication. The data presentation of the platform is very simple. Its interface is very easy to use and its offerings are robust. You can refer back to the review above and read some of its benefits and what sets it apart from the competition.

Q) Is there a Mailchimp mobile app?

A) Yes, this exists. But the experience there is a mix of smooth and rough. Especially, for iOS. However, with a few updates and upgrades, this is expected to be better. For Android, the feedback is commendable.

Q) Does the platform have a free version for novices?

A) It does and so far, Mailchimp allows you to send a maximum of 12,000 emails for free monthly. However, if you have an email list of more than 2,000 subscribers, get a paid plan. So, the free version will favor small businesses and startups.

The Verdict

Anyone running a business online and is serious about its growth understands the importance of email as a crucial marketing tool.

Those planning to get started, the novices in business, small business, and large companies have Mailchimp as a very attractive option.

Email marketing is for the win. But how do you use the platform if the name is a vocabulary to you?

Get Allyson’s course! Short, precise, and educative!

This is course is a solution to reaching your target audience with well-crafted emails that can be converted into potential sales.

You want to reach all your interested parties within a short time and with ease. Allyson will help.

Are you still thinking twice?

This is time wasted that you won’t recover.

It will only take an hour and a half to know the basics of Mailchimp and implement its use for the growth of your business.

We all love freebies.

I hope you too do.

The free version allows a user to send out 12,000 emails max for free every month.

Can you imagine?

Then, once your email lists grow past 2,000, get a paid plan which is affordable yet very competitive with robust features.

What’s stopping you from stepping up your email marketing game?

Let it not be time or money because this course is short, precise, and cheap.

But, the results are huge!

What Students Say About the Course

Email marketing isn’t just about the English you can write.

This needs the skill to craft the perfect piece that will revolutionize your business.

Allyson gives the tips in this course.

I’ve been procrastinating creating an email list for two years now.

See the joke?

It is that bad.

Until I saw this course on Skillshare and decided to buy it, it is done and dusted.

The Ah-ha moments are so many since I took this course.

I have implemented a few ideas and so far so good.

I plan on retaking the class to implement the rest.

I needed tricks on how to make my email campaigns work.

This course saved me the agony of binging on YouTube without success.

If you just want to learn the Mailchimp system and are reading this, start with this course to learn the verbiage of the platform.

You will not regret it once you buy advanced courses on the same.


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