The Complete Beginners SEO Course – Learn SEO Fundamentals!

The Complete Beginners SEO Course - Udemy TutorialLearn the basics of search engine optimization and how to use it to rank highly on search engines and drive more traffic to your site.

Description of the Course on Udemy

Are you ready to know the secrets of search engine optimization?

Well, I’ll not love breaking this to you: but, there isn’t any secret to it. Not even a recipe.

There are a few things you must do to create a solid foundation for your knowledge in SEO. The first is getting the right resources. This is what will determine how fast and how much you learn.

In a world where most people prefer to self-teach themselves, you’ll probably collect every material you need. That’s where you all make the mistake.

SEO is very dynamic. What worked two years ago in this field will not work today. Enrolling in a comprehensive course will be the best thing to do.

Most of the highly recommended courses come with more resources to use during and after the course. See? The instructors have sampled out the best to make research easier for you.

Remember, not everything you read on SEO works today. Or, it could work for your site and not work for another’s.

New Horizon e-Learning solutions have compiled a 3-hour course to teach you everything you need to know on the basics of SEO. I am not surprised at how the course has been rated because the company has a reputation for excellence.

This course has a rating of 4.7 stars and is currently a BESTSELLER on Udemy. Over 21,000 students have enrolled and the feedback is awesome.

My concern is on the course updates. The course hasn’t been updated in a year.

Some students who have recently taken the course have highlighted this and I hope something will be done about it.

I know that you can’t learn EVERYTHING about SEO from start to finish in a day. So three hours might not be enough. But for the basics, this is enough time.

Other deeper aspects need more time to learn, master and practice. The scope of the course is fantastic as the delivery is smooth from one section to another.

This makes it easier for you to schedule your time and sections to listen to in a day. Well, you can complete the course in one sitting. If you can’t break it down into workable sections.

The good news is that each section covers a different topic. They are about 3 to 15 minutes each. Unfortunately, you can’t download the course to learn when offline.

However, the resources are downloadable and can be accessed from wherever. Once you enroll in the course, you will enjoy full lifetime access to it.

Also, there is a 30-days money-back guarantee in case you are dissatisfied with the course. You will get your full refund without any questions.

Course Content and Overview

You can’t game the search engine algorithms. Neither is SEO an abracadabra affair. What is needed is a thorough and deep understanding of people’s wants when they search for something.

And, why they need what they are looking for.

With that, you will be good to go. Having there been no secrets to what makes SEO as specific as it is, makes it a task for anyone interested in understanding it.

This is one constant moving target and we, the creators don’t make any rules Google and other search engines do.

With that in mind, you will agree that organic searches are among the most yielding marketing channels today. But, with conditions.

Here’s the thing: You first need to invest in it. SEO and search go hand in hand.

If that is the case, where then is the search heading?

If you are a novice in the SEO world, I highly advise starting with basic courses like this before advancing any further. So many factors will influence SEO success.

Anything that influences the visibility, performance, and how these engines access a site falls into the technical aspect.

Here, you will need to know about schema, indexing, scrawling, site structure, page speed, URL structure, and much more.

Your content-the visible content on your web pages to users e.g. audio, images, videos, and text, and elements visible to search engines only like structured data and HTML tags will be under on-page SEO.

Off-page SEO exists. Here, you’ll need to know things that aren’t on your site but will affect the flow of traffic to your site and how it ranks.

It is more of demonstrating and growing your site’s authority, trust, relevance, and building a loyal audience.

You will be thinking in the lines of social media marketing, link building, PC marketing, user-generated content, and reviews.

The three sections I have described right above are mentioned in the course. Some are well-covered because they fall in the basic section.

To break down the three into simpler areas for you to understand, the instructor explains how the search experience optimization works and various content strategies to use for real people.

You will learn the importance of good content and why it should be relevant to your audience.

Also, get to know the opportunities you need to be more available or present to the audience or customers.

Do you think a site like Forbes was designed today, filled with content, and started ranking tomorrow? It takes time for search engines to recognize and like your site.

There is no bias here! You need to put in the work. This course teaches you what to do to ensure that your website is noticed.

Using SEO correctly is one of the most powerful ways of driving targeted traffic to a site. In the end, it should double or triple your bottom line.

As earlier said, search engines are dynamic and are continually creating new rules.

This shouldn’t confuse or overwhelm you once you have the basics to work with. Luckily, you will get a good foundation from this course.

There is a whole section on the SEO strategies that work. Apply what you learn on your site.

There is no guarantee that everything will work at the same time. You wouldn’t want to practice the wrong SEO.

Here’s is a relief if you have no experience: You don’t need prior knowledge of the topic. This is a beginner’s course.

While it covers quite a lot at the novice level, you might need other subsidiary classes on sections that you need more information on.

Knowing the fundamental principles of SEO will help you understand where SEO came from, its earlier practices, the changes along the way, and what currently works.

Overall, the basic knowledge cuts across all the faces so it is crucial to enroll in a course like this.

If you are hoping to be among the go-to search engine marketing experts, this course will come in handy because it is being taught by one of the SEO experts.

Here is a highlight of what you will come out with after completing the course:

  • A good understanding and mastery of how search engines work and what they consider before ranking your site or content.
  • Greater knowledge of keywords. What they are, more about keyword research, and how to use these magic words effectively for the benefit of your site.
  • Ways of implementing keyword strategies.
  • How to establish a domain strategy.
  • Everything you need to know about on-page optimization.
  • Ways of selecting the perfect ideas and content for your site.
  • Knowing and understanding what search engines are looking for.
  • How to think like Google or any other search engine.

Approaching SEO will be easier once you are done with the course. You will learn how to properly optimize for each opportunity available.

Taking ownership of your search results is crucial. This also applies to the results outside of your usual organic search.

You need to be present and relevant. This helps in building trust amongst those who are researching your brand.

The instructor explains why you need to stop creating content for search engines and start creating it for people.

In this way, you will deliver awesome digital experiences. You will also understand your audience better.

Focus more on topics that searchers are looking for instead of specific keywords. Even though the latter is important, it has its place in SEO.

It is advisable to use the content assets and listen to your customers, visitors, or audience. Create good and helpful content that addresses their pain points and questions directly.

Who is the Course for?

Novices with little to no knowledge of search engine optimization.

Anyone that needs to learn the basics of SEO.

New bloggers.

Anyone who wants to create a website.

What you will learn

  1. How the fundamentals of SEO can help you grow your website and make it rank highly on search engines.
  2. What good ranking is and what search engines consider before choosing to rank a site.
  3. More about keywords, keyword research, and ways of effectively using them for your content.
  4. How to properly implement keyword strategies
  5. Ways of establishing domain strategies.
  6. More about on-page search engine optimization.
  7. How to know the type of content to put on your site and how to identify the right set for your site.
  8. Have an understanding of what search engines are looking for.
  9. Ways of thinking like search engines.


  • An introduction to the course
  • Keywords
  • Keyword difficulty
  • A case study
  • Keyword objectives
  • Starter lists
  • Modifiers and extenders
  • Google traffic
  • Bing keywords
  • In-depth keyword research part 2
  • Consolidation
  • Segment
  • Considering
  • Extrapolating
  • Compiling
  • Bing Compiling
  • Analyzing
  • Establishing a domain strategy
  • Domain buying
  • Old domain
  • Case study
  • New domain
  • Subdomain vs. sub-folder
  • Hosting
  • Webmaster
  • Htaccess file
  • Robots.txt
  • Site theme
  • Structure
  • On-page optimization part 1
  • SEO myths
  • Metadata
  • Canonical
  • Rich snippets
  • Google authorship
  • Author stats
  • Structured data
  • On-page optimization part 2
  • Reading level
  • Internal linking
  • Additional points
  • How the right content can be powerful
  • Conversation
  • Content
  • Engagement
  • Quality authority and reputation
  • Authoritative content
  • Reputable content
  • Google wants
  • Case studies
  • The right content
  • Building trusted links
  • Vocabulary
  • Bad links
  • Different links
  • Link verification
  • Link building
  • Internal backlinks
  • Content distribution
  • Case study
  • External backlinks

FAQs – Questions About The Complete Beginners SEO Course – Learn SEO Fundamentals! Course

Q) Is there a certificate of completion once one is done with the course?
A) Yes. There is a digital certificate that Udemy avails once you complete the course. You can use it as it is or print it if you want a hard copy.

Q) Is this a theoretical or a practical course?
A) This is more theoretical than practical. There is very little hands-on work that’s there to be done as what’s important is mastering the concepts before putting them into practice on your website.

Q) Are there tasks to e worked on and submitted?
A) Not quite as this requires more listening and seeing. But, if you have any questions, you can use the Q and A to reach the instructor.

Q) Can I hire a company to do SEO for my site?
A) Yes. If you have no time to do this, you can. Or if you aren’t well conversant with advanced SEO, this will work. But, if you can everything online through such courses, it will be easier to save that money.

Wrap Up

Search engines like Bing and Google make numerous unpredictable changes annually. Rankings will be dependent on the aggressiveness of your competition. This is another unknown variable.

SEO responds to forecasting that is based on trends and historical seasonal data. This is why courses like this one have been compiled to make the creation task less hectic.

Don’t think it is easy. Neither is it hard. You will need a good understanding of the fundamentals of SEO and put the strategies into practice.

Also, you can’t use all the SEO concepts at once in your content on site. Smart application is necessary and this is what the instructor teaches in this course.

While it is more theoretical than practical, the implementation part will be when creating your content and improving your website.

Enroll now and watch your site and content rank higher on search engines.

What Students are saying about the Course

The coverage is excellent for a beginner who is looking for basic knowledge of SEO.

I love that the instructor recommends the tools to use while working on your site and content. A resource section with the links might be lacking but the mention helps.

Highly recommended for starters!


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