Learn to Write What Ranks (SEO Blogging)

Learn to Write What Ranks (SEO Blogging)Learn content creation strategies that work, reproduce them, and write blog posts and articles that rank on the first pages of search engines.

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Description of the Course on Udemy

Do you want to know how to write captivating pieces that rank higher on Google and other search engines? Drew compiles a free course sharing strategies he has tested and proven to work.

You can employ them and will notice a difference in the ranking of your content. It is a 1 hour 19 minutes course that can be done in one sitting.

Well, there is no award to however finishes first. Take it at your pace. You can watch the tutorials as you jot down notes to work later.

If you are a marketer, you understand how crucial SEO is to your business or career. Optimizing your blog posts means that you are increasing your site’s visibility to more people using search engines.

This makes it easy for more to see your products or services. The most important thing is for your blog content to help your business rank organically on search engines.

Drew will help you know how to do this. From the numbers, this is a good course. The course has a current rating of 4.8 stars after 10,800+ students enrolled.

This should answer if it is worth your time. It is a free course so you aren’t spending anything on it. The reviews speak volumes of the instructor’s knowledge and expertise.

It might not be a thorough explanation of the blog SEO world but it covers quite a lot. There are also tips on how to optimize your blogs for search engines.

As a free course, there are a few aspects you will miss and this applies to all free courses on Udemy. You won’t get a certificate of completion once you are done with the course.

The question and answer section is unavailable. Also, you can’t directly message the instructor. These are enjoyed by those who enrol in paid courses.

Blogging boosts your SEO quality by highly positioning your site among the most relevant answers to a searcher’s question. Those using various on-page SEO strategies have higher opportunities for ranking in search engines.

Blog content contributes to your site’s SEO. However, Google has numerous algorithm updates that can make it tricky to publish the right blog content especially if you are a novice who is unaware of where to start.

The instructor explains the basics you need to know in this course. He shares some of the blog ranking aspects that have never changed and those that are old-school.

As a rule of thumb, understanding the strategies is important. But, avoid implementing all of them at ago. Each strategy serves a specific task. It should be used well to meet a specific type of SEO goal for a blog.

Course Content and Overview

Let’s face things, long gone are the days when easy blogging and quick traffic were a thing. Today, you need to put in the work.

Before, you could round up a quick post, add a punchy clickbait title then create an almost decent pin to share on Pinterest. In less than 72 hours, you will notice viral traffic pouring in.

This doesn’t happen anymore! There is so much competition in these times and there are slimmer chances of viral content and traffic.

Blog SEO needs time to learn and practice. What works for your audience might not work for mine. While there are so many strategies to help, you need to test each to know what suits your readers.

Mastering it also has no exact formula. If I knew of it, I’d probably be a millionaire.

Here’s the truth, no one knows the ultimate secret to Google’s formula. Google decided to have this information in its bosom. The information available about blog SEO comes from consistent users and super sleuths like Drew, Pearson, and the rest.

You too can spend days combing through Google news and press releases to dumb down all the data. But if you don’t know the basics, the terms and explanations will be overwhelming. Perhaps even make you quit blogging.

Start here. Know how blog SEO works before you can go into deeper details. This has no technical jargon. Everything has been broken into simple, bite-sized, and actionable strategies to help you increase your chances of ranking highly on Google and other search engines.

Here are some of the things Drew points out in his course:

  • The importance of creating a fast, responsive, well-optimized, and user-friendly site. Especially one that is mobile-friendly as almost 80% of searchers use their mobile devices.
  • Building correct links, interlinking posts properly, linking to relevant posts and backlinking from high quality and authoritative sites.
  • How to avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Writing content that focuses on the reader and not search engines. He terms this as SEO copywriting.
  • Using SEO tools to analyze and optimize your data.
  • The types of keywords to focus on.

This sounds pretty easy, right?

You might still be wondering why you need to take online courses to learn blog SEO. Isn’t it just a keyword affair?

No! There is a ton more to it than you think and Drew talks about the basic aspects of the course. DIY the strategies and tips he shares. If you aren’t darn sure about it, it is a free course and you have nothing to lose.

Going into blog SEO minus any knowledge will increase the chances of your approach crashing and burning. You wouldn’t want this as an early disappointment.

I know there is still so much information online to combine with what you learn in this course. But, be careful most of it is disconnected information with rough paths to SEO from the beginning to the end.

Carelessly DIYing the strategies can lead to information overload causing decision paralysis. Instead of wasting hours trying to find out things from one site to the other or YouTube videos, a free course like this would be great.

This has no heaps of data to consume and confuse you. Everything is straightforward and implanting shouldn’t be an issue.

Sometimes, blog SEO can be a tougher nut to crack. Results vary but it should take you anywhere from six months to two years before Google can rank your content.

Some considerations that Google factors are domain authority, site age, the number of posts, overall quality of the posts, and if Google trusts your website.

You will learn about topic mining, how to find the best topics to make your site rank higher ad attract potential customers. There is more on content creation, the framework that works for higher ranking, and a few tips.

Who is the Course for?

  • Business owners
  • Bloggers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Brands

What you will learn

  1. Writing content that ranks
  2. Strategies for content creation
  3. Finding topics that will attract more visitors
  4. Frameworks for content creation
  5. Content optimization
  6. Tricks for SEO blogging


  • An introduction to the course
  • The good vs. bad: understanding aspects that makes blog posts good or bad
  • Topic mining: know how to mine golden topics to use in writing punchy blog posts
  • Post titles: using Drew’s formulae to create attractive blog post titles
  • Post descriptions: using Drew’s formulae to create great post descriptions
  • The body content
  • The post conclusion: learning how to write perfect closing statements that professionally wrap your blog posts
  • Post optimization

Course Requirements

A computer with an internet connection.

A functional blog or website.

A content management system will be a bonus.

FAQ’s – Questions about the Learn to Write What Ranks (SEO Blogging) Course

Q) Do I need to be an expert in coding to learn SEO blogging?
A) No. At least not for this course. You don’t need knowledge or experience in coding for all the elements of SEO. But, there are advanced SEO tactics that need a proper understanding of coding.

Q) How soon should search engines start ranking my posts and site highly after completing this course?
A) Completing the course isn’t the ultimatum. Testing the strategies and finding out what works is key. Once you do, keep implementing workable strategies on your blog posts.
Several factors determine how soon you will see results. This includes the amount of content you create, the quality of your content and site, how your posts resonate with the audience, the size and strength of your domain.
For large sites, if Google is crawling the sites often, results are noticeable in days. It will take longer for smaller sites. It could be anything from a month onwards depending on the effort you put in, the quality and credibility of your site.

Q) Can I hire a professional to work on my blog SEO even after completing the course?
A) This will be up to you as it isn’t necessary. Though, it can be helpful whether you are doing it internally or externally. The person must be well-informed of the modern SEO rules. Google addresses the risks of using the wrong SEO guys on its site.

Q) What should be my first goal for blog SEO?
A) Besides ranking highly, focus on the whole marketing funnel. Aim at getting more quality traffic to your blog or site.

Q) Does this explain how to create a blog if I don’t have one already?
A) No. This course is for people who already have blogs whether new or old. But, there are comprehensive blogging course reviews on our site. Check them out to pick the best to help you create a blog in the shortest time.


Content is the most crucial facet of any website. Search engines use it and other factors to understand, trust, and rank your site.

Every user on the web is looking for content that can satisfy all their search questions. Apart from the little content on the homepage and the other vital pages, blog posts are also very important.

Most people who started their marketing journeys blankly thought they knew about SEO until they drowned or were about to. The meaning is clear when you search for the abbreviation online.

You too might think that the better your search engine optimization, the higher your work would rank on Google. You are not yet a genius but are about to change that after completing this course.

Things have gone beyond writing about articles related to niche subjects. Anyone can write but not everyone can write content that ranks.

There is so much you need to know before writing content. You need to ask questions. These questions will not only be related to the topics you are writing about. As you learn more here, concepts will breed more questions.

A good number will be on the optimization and technicality of the blog posts. Drew explains all these in the course.

We can’t deny that the search market is huge. But, for you to succeed in it, you need to consider the strategies and factors he mentions. Writing anything on what users frequently search for is important.

However, it will be useless if your content is not visible in search engines. I know that the technical aspects can be overwhelming for starters.

Finding simpler resources to guide you through will make understanding things easier and faster. Don’t try to veer off technical aspects like link building, Meta tags, and other optimization factors.

In all writing endeavours, Drew advises that don’t assume that content is publishing sentences you have in mind. The crafting and optimization processes are key.

Focus on the right keywords, readability, and usefulness. The rest are bonuses.

It isn’t late to increase the visibility of your blog and website. Enrol now and learn how to make your blog posts rank higher on search engines.

What Students are saying about the Course

This exceeded my expectations of a free course. Drew shares focused information in tons.

I love how the slides are straightforward. I created a good attack plan and 8 months down the line, I can see a huge difference in my rankings.

I hope I can get one of his courses that dives deeper into blogging and SEO. This one is more than worth it.

Check out Course Here!


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