Learn Digital Marketing from a Masterclass that Covers All

Learn Digital Marketing with this Masterclass
Master the fundamentals of digital marketing. Learn how to research and create proper marketing strategies that work.

Get the Course HERE!

Description of the Course Udemy

One of the best ways to learn about digital marketing is to enrol in a good online course. This will help you build your skills and speed your career.

This industry is growing at a very explosive rate. Especially, since the world has been hit by a pandemic. More people are working, shopping, and learning from their homes online.

In (2022), it was estimated at $616 billion was spent on marketing worldwide.

If you are searching for a career path you can be guaranteed stronger job security, this is it.

Here’s yet another one by Phil Ebiner.

This time, he does it with Diego Davila and the Video School.

As usual, he is perfect in his job. The numbers can tell.

Over 234,000 students have enrolled and the figure grows daily.

The course is currently rated at 4.5 stars after 20,000+ reviews. What struck me as so professional is the frequent updates the instructors make on the course.

This is unlike others who create a course and forget about it.

Phil and his buddies want to keep you updated with the latest workable strategies for social media marketing, YouTube, Facebook, content, websites, and email marketing.

This is a 42.5 hours course. It might be the longest in our review compilation but it is worth every minute. Also, no one is rushing you to complete the course. Take it at your pace and ensure you comprehend one section before heading to the next.

If you have areas of concern, the instructors are very responsive.

Besides, you can check questions asked by fellow students to see if you might get your answers there.

A course without resource material sends an off feeling to anyone interested.

There are tons here that are useful throughout the course and your digital marketing journey.

Attempt the assignments to see if you are progressing.

This is one of the most comprehensive digital marketing courses.

Enrolling in it should help you grow your businesses.

If you are looking to get a job in the ever-growing digital marketing industry, this one will be ideal.

The course should help your clients increase their businesses.

Regardless of your experience in the industry, you will love this course.

The instructors compiled it with the novice’s needs in mind.

The language is simple without any jargon.

I know how frustrating it can get when you get deeper into marketing terms without simplifying them.

Phil and his buddy make this clear enough and procedural.

The scope of the course is admirable and something that other instructors should implement.

You will start from the basics as you advance to the core sections. Some sections are detailed and others cover only what is important for you to know.

So, this shouldn’t worry you if you see areas with few minutes. If you feel like you need more attention there, you can enrol in separate courses.

Check our list, what you need could be there.

In this course, Phil will help you with most of the social media and digital marketing strategies. Here are a few that he covers:

  1. Websites
  2. Branding
  3. Email marketing
  4. Content marketing
  5. Search engine optimization
  6. Copywriting
  7. Facebook groups
  8. Facebook pages
  9. Facebook ads
  10. Facebook for local businesses
  11. Facebook retargeting
  12. Facebook creator studio
  13. Google analytics
  14. Google ads
  15. Instagram
  16. Twitter
  17. Pinterest
  18. LinkedIn
  19. Quora
  20. Podcasts
  21. YouTube
  22. Video marketing
  23. Live streaming on social media

Most newbies might be afraid of the cost of extra tools needed for digital marketing.

Phil is considerate enough and recommends free options that work well.

So, this shouldn’t be a problem if you are tight on finances.

You will enjoy full lifetime access to this course once you enrol.

It will be great to return often and check for updates.

There is a 30-days non-questionable money-back guarantee on the course in case you are dissatisfied.

I doubt this will happen to you.

Upon completion, there is an Udemy certificate to help you improve your portfolio.

It might be the reason a big brand will hire you.

It might not be a big deal for others but it is proof of having taken the course.

I’d say, choose your online courses wisely. Also, be smart at it.

There are bonuses you get once enrolled in this course.

Phil gives several checklists you can download. These will help you remain on track.

You get access to numerous guides that should help you take action.

The course is practical and has several case studies to help the student see the BTS of strategies he gives.

Both instructors are teaching from experience.

The two are running six-figure businesses that revolve around digital marketing.

The two have instructed over 3 million students. So, you are learning from the pros.

Each section of the course has its excellent strategies and techniques.

The instructors show and explain how you can use these strategies in real life.

What will be left is for you to implement everything and watch your business or career grow steadily.

Who is the Course for?

  • Anyone who wants to do their marketing without employing a professional
  • Business owners who are interested in using digital marketing to grow their ventures.
  • Website owners looking to increase traffic, sales, and conversions
  • Social media marketers
  • YouTubers
  • Business owners
  • Entrepreneurs

What you will learn

  1. Various digital marketing strategies and how to use each of them for the better
  2. How to create and improve a brand’s identity while growing the brand’s audience at the same time
  3. More about social media marketing and how to use most of the common social media networks to improve your business
  4. How to grow your email list, subscriber count, social media following, and website traffic
  5. How success comes by implementing the lessons you learn from this course
  6. How to increase conversions and maximize sales using real-life techniques


  • Introduction
  • Defining your business and target audience
  • Brand identity
  • Content marketing basics
  • Websites 101
  • Email marketing
  • Copywriting
  • Search engine optimization
  • Facebook groups
  • Facebook pages
  • Facebook creator studio
  • Facebook ads
  • Facebook retargeting
  • Facebook for local business
  • Google ads
  • Google analytics
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn
  • Social media live streaming
  • YouTube marketing
  • Video marketing and video production
  • Podcasting
  • Quora
  • Creating WordPress sites
  • Conclusion
  • Live question and answer replays
  • Bonuses

Course Requirements

No prior knowledge of digital marketing

Willingness to learn

FAQs – Questions about the Best Digital Marketing Masterclass – 23 Courses in 1

Q) I can see a section on search engine optimization. Does it cover keyword research in detail? This is a section I have problems in.
A) Phil gives detailed information on SEO and keyword research. Usually, keyword research creates a solid foundation for SEO campaigns. This is an excellent approach to improve your rankings.

Q) Does the instructor give estimates of amounts to invest monthly to help anyone’s digital marketing career or improve their Google rankings?
A) No cost estimates are given as businesses vary. But, he gives real-time examples that you can relate to and help your career or business grow. He gives other resources like recommendations to free tools that will be useful in your journey.
As for time, this will depend on where you currently are at with implementation. Once you understand the ins and outs of digital marketing, you can dedicate an hour each week to your strategies.
But, the time you invest monthly in your digital marketing campaigns will depend on the industry’s competition.

Q) Can I focus on one digital marketing strategy only? Or, should I take several to work on?
A) Do what is needed for your business. Focusing on several strategies is superb. Opportunities in digital marketing keep increasing as the target audience visit more online networks.
It isn’t a great idea to use a single-minded approach as it makes the site less competitive. Rather, take a comprehensive approach and focus on social media, site optimization, lead generation, content creation, inbound marketing, and more.

Q) On which social media platforms should I focus more on for my business to grow?
A) Phil says that there isn’t a specific answer and I agree. First, be present where your customers frequent. Remember, different businesses will have different target audiences.
While one demographic will spend more time on Facebook, the other will majorly be on LinkedIn. Others will equally divide their time amongst all platforms.
Know where all your customers are and go after them there.

Q) There isn’t so much about Google+ in this course. Is it not useful anymore?
A) Google+ started well and looked promising. But things aren’t good for the platform currently. It might be the reason why Phil and other instructors are excluding it from their strategy lists.

Q) Which types of social media marketing content convert the most?
A) This still depends on your audience. The perfect way to determine the types of content that work best and convert the most will be by testing. Testing, tweaking, and testing again should help you find what works perfectly.

Q) How long do the instructors take to respond to students’ questions?
A) Phil and his team are very responsive. On most occasions, your questions will be answered within 24 hours. Rarely do they stay for days without checking for questions.


Research shows that digital marketing is slowly becoming the backbone of the wider marketing space.

Digital marketers are the voice of customers.

They also know how the customer wants to interact with brands digitally.

The same marketers will approach the brands ‘channels and maximize investment, improve conversions, drive more traffic, and manage digital content.

If you’ve been wondering how this can be possible, starting with a comprehensive course will be ideal.

Phil and his team outdid themselves.

He says that as a digital marketer, you must be where your customers are all the time.

Technology is very dynamic and its changes are terrific.

This works today and in a week, it is outdated. However, the foundation and principles of digital marketing never change.

Most employers currently need experience in Google, Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, and so much more.

Do you see the importance of enrolling in this course?

The gold news is that you get a certificate of completion once done.

This should help you trim your space in the marketing world and advance more.

Some crucial aspects of the digital marketing puzzle remain constant while others change.

For the changes, you won’t be left behind if you take this course.

Phil updates the course frequently to keep you up to date with what works in the industry.

As I type this review, the most recent update was made early last month.

Since the digital marketing industry is rapidly changing, it will be imperative for brands, companies, businesses, and individuals with an interest in the same to be up to date with all the emerging and new strategies.

While you can do this individually, some companies and businesses opt to hire digital marketers.

So, you can agree that this course cuts across everyone in the marketing space.

You need to stay ahead of your competitors.

This is very crucial as the landscape for business is also rapidly changing.

This has become a vital strategy that you should include in your plans if you are looking to inform your digital strategy.

Enrol now if you want to be ahead of the digital marketing game.

What Students are saying about the Course

Try this if you are new to the digital marketing space.

The real-time case studies are so relatable and what I needed to revive my business.

I am a novice at social media marketing and this has created such a difference in my career.

I would rate it more than five stars if given the chance.

Get the Course HERE!

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