Can You Travel With Digital Marketing? The Nomadic Life

Can You Travel with Digital Marketing

A vacation on the clear emerald waters of the Maldives, wine-tasting escapades in Italy, or adventures in Mexico’s Riviera Maya, digital marketing can do all this for you if you play your cards like a maestro.

Most professions and jobs limit people to traveling during the holidays (if you aren’t working) or leave days, which is the same time you need to rest, recharge, and be with loved ones.

But there is a lucky lot that can travel and work simultaneously while giving 100% at both.

Can you travel with digital marketing?

You can travel with digital marketing if you are a freelancer or part-time marketer.

Here’s the thing: Digital marketing isn’t limiting – you can be an in-house, part-time, or freelance marketer, depending on the company you work for.

In-house digital marketers are probably there full or part-time, which can be tricky to schedule travels whenever they want.

But all joy is for the freelancers who are boundless and work as per their schedules.

What next if you are your own boss?


Can You Travel With Digital Marketing?

Traveling with digital marketing is for the few who carefully select their clients, know bidding tactics, are great planners, and are lovers of adventure.

If you are worried whether digital marketing can make you enough bucks to fend for your needs and spare some for personal spoilage, brush off those fears!

ReliableSoft averages the annual salary of a junior digital marketer without experience in the USA at $40,000.

As a freelancer, we are looking at $2000-$5000 a month.

No experience and that figure in one sentence sounds like a bad dream but that’s true!

Now, imagine if you can earn this at a junior level – what would stop you from trying the Emirates if your bills are only basics?

Here’s why you can travel with digital marketing.

You Are on Boss Mode Most, if Not All the Time

Being a freelance or part-time digital marketer means you choose the amount of work to handle, when to work and who to work for.

You are in control of the workload most of the time.

Digital marketing is a high-in-demand skill, but also demanding because of high client expectations and ever-changing technologies and trends that you must be at par with.

As a freelancer, you decide how much goes on your plate to avoid falling behind deadlines, or producing substandard work.

Hence, you can navigate the industry with ease than taking a full-time in-house job.

The benefit is a better work-life balance that allows you to focus on things you love like travel and family.

Zero Limits on Your Earnings

Freelance digital marketers don’t know the effects of salary caps.

Let’s not call it an irregular job because regular professions we know have fixed salaries for most positions.

Unless you offer consultancy services on the side, then you are tied to the monthly earnings.

Freelancing allows you to earn depending on your skills, number of clients you have, and projects you can tackle.

The more you can handle, the fatter your pocket gets.

Your capabilities matter a ton here.

Freelance digital marketing pays depending on project sizes, with a few offering retainers even when work is little in particular months.

There are options to negotiate the pay with respective clients.

Traveling as a Digital Marketer

Starting a Business Out of Your Digital Marketing Skills Puts You on Top of the Game and Your Time

Can you travel with digital marketing if you run an agency?

Once you are confident in your output and clients are flooding your mail, strike the matchstick and start a digital marketing agency.

The first few months will be for pumping effort into your new venture.

Get the best workforce – can be freelance, part-time, or full-time – who will be responsible for the handwork while you do the brain tasks and managerial duties.

As a SEO who swears by time planning and management, there will be nothing to stop you from taking more trips to destinations on your wish list.

FAQs on Travelling With Digital Marketing

There’s much we can talk about the flexibility of a digital marketing career, but we’ll answer a few frequently asked questions to help you decide if you’ll want such a life.

Q) Can You Travel as a Full-Time Digital Marketer?

A) Travelling as a full-time digital marketer depends on your position in the company, workload, and work hours.

Some companies, especially if working in an agency, might require traveling to meet clients.

But see, this is for work purposes, which is different from travels you plan yourself for more adventure than work.

Campaigns about travel, food, and the streets might give you a chance to please the gods of travel.

Q) Which Digital Marketing Jobs Allow You To Travel More?

A) Influencer marketing and affiliate marketing are some of the top digital marketing jobs that expose you to frequent travels, but others like content writing, web development and SEO too give the freedom if you are in control of your workload and delivery.

The industry you work in has a big influence on the same.

Sports, travel, tourism, fashion, and hospitality industries are common with domestic and international trips, and working as a digital marketer for any of them can put you on the chance list.

Q) Can I Work as a Digital Marketer Even When on Travel?

A) Sure! Digital nomads are becoming popular and we can see them working on beach beds, at the sides of pools, and in villas living their best lives while making money a few hours.

Instagram has a bunch who are on transit almost all year trying different spots while delivering in their digital marketing careers.

You are free as a freelancer!


So, can you travel with digital marketing?

You can agree that the flexibility is top-tier, allowing digital marketers who can work from anywhere and anytime to do what they love while working.

The perfect work-life balance is rare with most careers and could be the reason for burn-outs, neglect of family, buried hobbies, and depressive lives.

If a digital marketing career can allow you to explore the world more while working when you want, bring in the funds to support your desired lifestyle, and enjoy a wholesome life, why not learn it now and join the high-in-demand skill force?

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