Best Online Facebook Marketing Courses – Make Ads Work

Best Facebook Marketing Tutorials
It initially was famous for social networking and communication. But today, Facebook has become a diverse space. Businesses have been built and thrived through this platform.

It wasn’t easy in the beginning as most of the marketplace and advertising features hadn’t been introduced. Advertising was via personal posts that could be shareable though still couldn’t reach a bigger audience.

As the developers upgraded the platform, there is so much that Facebook can do that couldn’t be done in those days.

Online Facebook Marketing Courses are a great way to get started with social media marketing. These courses can be taken at your own pace and in the comfort of your home.

They provide you with an online course that is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, so you never have to worry about when it’s time to learn more!

These courses will teach you everything from how to set up a business page on Facebook through step-by-step video tutorials taught by experts who know what they’re doing. You’ll also learn how to measure and track success on Facebook which is key if you want your company’s posts seen by as many people as possible!

The best part? It costs less for the entire course than it is paying for a digital marketing agency service.

Facebook Marketing is a primary consideration among most brands because of its huge numbers. Over 2.8 billion people use this platform and this number grows daily.

Imagine how fast your business will grow if you use the right strategies to reach even 1/50 of the total Facebook population.

Yes, it is possible! Take a good Facebook Ads and Marketing course. This will be the first step to growing a successful business through this social platform.

It goes beyond creating a post and adding a caption or description to it. That’s what is done for those using it for social networking.

For business, things are different. There much to learn about post creation, graphics, creating ads and campaigns, and much more.

This guide describes some of the best online Facebook courses that can scale you from grass to grace. But not overnight. You need to put in the time and work.

Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing Mastery (Udemy)

Facebook Marketing Mastery - Udemy Tutorial
Learn to increase your conversions through Facebook Ads. Know what marketing strategies work for the platform and how this can transform your business.

Description of the Course

Course Envy is on a mission to help you take your business from average to awesome, and I hope this course becomes the first step in that journey. Have you ever been frustrated with how long it takes to create Facebook Ads or Facebook Marketing? I have too – which is why they created this Online Course.

The course includes over 12 hours of video content, interactive quizzes & exercises, live replays, downloadable workbooks + articles for easy reference after completing the course, and access to a large community of like-minded entrepreneurs who are ready for success.

Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing Mastery is a course that equips you with the skills necessary to run successful campaigns on the world’s largest social media platform. In this course, you’ll learn how to manage your campaign budget, set up conversion tracking for your ads, and create ad sets with various targeting options.

It’s time to take your Facebook marketing to the next level with this one-of-a-kind course. This is a comprehensive course for marketers of any experience level, teaching you how to find and target audiences on Facebook that are worth advertising to. It is a BESTSELLER with an enrollment of 179700+ students.

You’ll learn how to drive traffic from organic content, and create custom audiences to get more conversions. Created by a renowned internet marketing agency, this new course will teach you all about the power of Facebook Marketing!

Who is the Course for?

Online marketers
Small business owners
Advertising managers
Anyone who wants to master Facebook ads and marketing

What you will learn

  1. How to link up with new audiences
  2. How to reduce the cost of ads using Facebook ads
  3. Master the Facebook ads manager
  4. Master sales funnels and how they work
  5. How to use Facebook business manager’s advanced features
  6. How to mass post easily to different social networks
  7. How to implement Facebook Pixel and other advanced tracking strategies
  8. How to use the recommended strategies


  • Introduction to the course
  • Facebook pixel and audience
  • Different types of Facebook ads
  • Facebook reporting, optimization, and insights
  • Social media marketing
  • Common questions
  • Business manager and how to start your Facebook ad business or agency
  • Facebook shops

Course Requirements

A personal account on Facebook


It’s no secret that Facebook Ads have evolved to be the most powerful online marketing tool for businesses. So, how do you know what type of ads will work best for your business?

A/B testing is a great way to find out which ad strategies resonate with your target audience and increase conversions. If you’re not sure where to start or need help setting up tests on Facebook, this course will walk you through it step by step!

You won’t regret getting in touch with us today if you want more sales from this amazing platform. Which type of Facebook Ad campaign are you running right now?

What Students are Saying About the Course

I didn’t know that Facebook ads could have a great impact on my small thrift business. Now that I have tested and proven, another social media course will do me good.

This course is what I needed now that I have completed my degree and had no luck in the corporate world.

The Ultimate Facebook Ads and Facebook Marketing Guide (Udemy)

Facebook Ads and Marketing - Udemy Tutorial
A step-by-step course explaining the ins and outs of Facebook Ads and Facebook Marketing. Learn the dos and don’ts here!

Description of the Course

So, you want to know how Facebook Ads can help grow your business? Awesome! There’s a lot of good information out there about it. I’m not going to bore you with the basics but instead, look at this course first.

There are two ways that you can do this: by boosting posts or targeting users who have engaged with our content in the past. For example, if one of our posts is getting lots of shares and comments then you can boost that post so that more people will see and engage with it.

If someone has already read one or more of your articles then you might target them as a lead prospect for other blog posts since they’ve shown some interest in what you are advertising.

Nowadays, it seems like you can’t go anywhere without running into a Facebook ad. Whether it’s on your newsfeed or in the sidebar of your favorite website, these ads are everywhere and they’re not going away anytime soon.

For businesses looking to get their message out there, Facebook is an excellent way to do so with minimal effort. However, if you want to make the most of this platform by finding success with advertising then take the course!

It explains how to set up an effective Facebook Ads campaign for your business that will help you grow and thrive as a company. The instructor also covers topics such as targeting options, creative tips, different types of ads available, and more!

Currently, the course is rated at 4.4 stars which is excellent after enrollment of 13,200+. It takes 3 hours to complete the course. But you will have full-time access to it. Always pass by to see any new updates.

Who is the Course for?

Anyone who wants a good mastery of Facebook ads and Facebook marketing
Digital media buyers
Marketing managers
Business owners

What you will learn

  1. How to master Facebook advertising then create a return on an investment-driven ad campaign
  2. Understand Facebook pixel
  3. How to filter your target audience using different aspects on Facebook
  4. How Facebook sales funnels and ad analytics work
  5. The tips and tricks used by experts in the industry to run and optimize these ads
  6. Why lookalike audiences are important
  7. Different marketing and add tools to grow a yielding audience
  8. How to track the audience journey and convert it
  9. Everything about the Facebook Ads manager
  10. Ad formats, placements, and designs that work excellently on Facebook
  11. How to reduce the cost of ads and keep your CTR higher using advanced targeting features
  12. How to deploy targeting and retargeting strategies using procedural pointers
  13. How to create high-quality content and achieve maximum reach and engagement for ads
  14. What different CRM tools aid in optimizing Facebook marketing?


  • Introduction
  • Building an online customer base
  • Detailed targeting using interest, behavior, and demographics
  • Facebook ad placement and budgeting
  • Facebook ad formats
  • Importance of landing pages
  • Bonus lectures

Course Requirements

No prior knowledge of how Facebook ads work


The one thing you can be sure of is that Facebook Ads will never go away. They’ll always exist in some form or another, and if they do the world will keep spinning around and around.

In short, if you want to stay up-to-date on anything related to digital marketing this year then get used to reading about Facebook ads every day because it’s going nowhere fast!

So don’t worry at all – this course is here for you each step of the way with videos, guides & more so that no matter what happens in 2021 your business won’t miss out on any opportunities (or updates!).

What Students are Saying About the Course

Karan is a fun and thorough instructor. I didn’t know it can be this interesting to take a marketing course.

I love how the course goes deeper into real concepts and how they are well-explained. Highly recommended.

The Complete Facebook Ads & Marketing Course (Udemy)

Facebook Ads and Marketing Mastery - Udemy Tutorial
Learn the tips, tricks, and secrets of effectively growing your business using Facebook Ads and other workable Facebook Marketing strategies.

Description of the Course

The question on everyone’s mind is “When should I start using Facebook Ads?” But the answer to that question isn’t so simple. There are many factors you need to consider before you decide but one thing is for certain, it’s never too late to get started!

You can learn more about the benefits of advertising with Facebook and how Suppoman can help set up your account in this course. In the world of advertising, Facebook has quickly become one of the most important platforms.

With over 1.86 billion monthly active users on Facebook, it is not hard to see why so many businesses are using Facebook Ads to market their products and services directly to customers who are likely already interested in what they have to offer.

Facebook advertising offers some of the most effective and targeted ads on the market. Facebook marketing can be used for a variety of things, from branding to lead generation to direct sales.

With an amazing targeting system and low cost-per-click rates, Facebook Ads is a great way to get your message out there in front of your target audience.

Whether you’re a small business owner or a large corporation, Facebook advertising is worth looking into if you want your message seen by more people who are likely interested in what you have to say.

Suppoman talks about these and much more in this 11-hour course. From the figures, you can agree that it is a real deal online. Over 84,000 students have enrolled and the number is growing steadily. You can take advantage of the downloadable resources to use as a reference as you learn.

Who is the Course for?

Anyone who wants to start using Facebook ads and doesn’t know where to start.
Digital marketers
Business owners

What you will learn

  1. How to advertise anything on Facebook successfully using the marketing and ad functions
  2. How to boost your posts and promote your page
  3. How the 80/20 principle works in relation to Facebook ads
  4. How to get into the three zero club and get video views for as low as $0.0003 for every view
  5. Strategies you can use to make a profit using Facebook ads. Use the formula that Suppoman recommends.
  6. How to get $0.004 per page and grow your page
  7. How to get guaranteed wins using your ads and how they can work for you


  • Introduction to the course
  • Facebook ads for novices
  • Facebook pages and strategies for success
  • Facebook marketing success strategies and functions
  • $0.004 per page like and how to get over 100000-page likes using one ad
  • $ 0.0003-page post engagement and how to make viral videos
  • $0.00 US and UK post engagement ads that are sellable and profitable
  • Remarketing and selling warmer prospects
  • Analyzing Facebook ads and finding what works best
  • Facebook live- an incredible organic reach tool
  • Reaching a million people daily using Facebook live
  • Creating live streams worth remembering
  • Facebook live strategies for profiles and groups
  • The best video type on Facebook-Facebook Live
  • Optimization strategies for Facebook live
  • Suppoman’s entertaining Live stream
  • How to use Facebook ads for Instagram
  • Principles that guarantee success with Facebook ads and marketing
  • Using and creating Facebook audiences for your ads
  • More lectures
  • Conclusion

Course Requirements

No prior experience of Facebook marketing and ads


​I am sure you’ve seen the ads on Facebook for companies that want to make a sale. These are called “sponsored posts,” and they can be effective in driving conversions if done correctly.

For example, an eCommerce business may run a sponsored post with their store logo as part of it so customers know who is running the campaign (and trust them more). It also helps when these sponsored posts have strong calls-to-action like “Shop Now!” or “Get This Deal Before Time Runs Out!”

If you need help setting up your advertising campaigns through paid sponsorships on social media platforms like Facebook and other workable strategies, Suppoman’s course will be the best bet.

What Students are Saying About the Course

So, I can let the campaign run on its own in the background until I am happy with the number I have hit? This course is the best that I needed.

The knowledge is applicable. That is what I love about Suppoman’s courses.

10 Facebook Ads Strategies That Make Me 6-Figures (Udemy)

10 Facebook Ads Strategies - Udemy Tutorial
A detailed course on how to effectively use Facebook Ads to maximize your earnings. Learn from an expert who owns several online companies that cash in BIG through Facebook Advertising.

Description of the Course

How many times have you heard the phrase “I’m not sure what to post on my Facebook page?” If you’re like most business owners, then this is a question that has plagued your mind and made sleep difficult. You may be asking yourself, “What do I post on my Facebook page?

What are people interested in seeing? Who should I target with ads?” These are all important questions! Here’s what you can do to answer them. Enroll in the course.

Nik is here to help and guide you through the process of setting up and managing Facebook ads for your business. This will include topics such as how to use tools l, tips on what types of images work best for ads, and more.

If you are looking for an easy way to promote your business online with little-to-no effort, then this course is perfect for you! Over 11,200 students have trusted Nik to boost their businesses and the reviews speak volumes. It is a 3.5 hours course that can be done in a day.

This Facebook Ads Strategies course is here to help make sure that your company’s ad campaign has everything it needs to be successful. The instructor will give you all the information that he can so that marketing on social media becomes as simple as possible, without giving up any level of detail or explanation needed to get the best out of your efforts.

Who is the Course for?

Beginners and experts who want to know the tricks that work

What you will learn

  1. How to structure your ads campaigns properly
  2. How to choose the right placements
  3. How to use engaging visuals
  4. How to leverage your custom audiences and more on retargeting
  5. How to analyze and manage ads results
  6. How to target the correct audience
  7. How to set a proper budget and schedule
  8. How to use very engaging captions
  9. How to leverage a lookalike audience
  10. How to test and learn quickly


  • Introduction
  • Properly structuring your campaigns
  • Setting the correct budget and schedule
  • How to target the right audience effectively
  • Choosing the best placements
  • Using engaging visuals
  • Using engaging captions
  • Leveraging custom audiences and how to retarget them
  • Leveraging lookalike audiences
  • Analyzing and managing results

Course Requirements

Have a Facebook ads account
Install and set up the Facebook Pixel on your site


If you’re looking for a way to get ahead in the digital marketing industry, Facebook ads are an excellent place to start. It’s not hard to see why they’ve been so effective – their entire platform is geared towards making it easy for marketers and business owners alike.

With just a few clicks of your mouse or taps on your phone screen, you can create new ad campaigns that target specific audiences based on demographics and interests, set budgets and frequency caps (so that you don’t go over budget), measure performance metrics like cost-per-click or conversion rate, and even edit campaign details without having to leave the page!

There isn’t any reason not to try these strategies out yourself if you haven’t already. Now is the best time to improve your business.

What Students are Saying About the Course

I can confess that I have gained results after implementing some strategies in this course. Maybe I should work on the rest now.

The fundamentals of how to use Facebook Ads are what interested me the most. I developed my skill with the help of this course.

Facebook Marketing – 1000% Facebook Engagement & Sales (Udemy)

Facebook Marketing - Udemy Tutorial
A master course that can make your ads and posts go viral in the shortest time, get as much sharing as possible, and improve your business through tested and proven strategies.

Description of the Course

Do you need more engagement on your Facebook page? Are you looking to generate more sales for your company? You may be wondering how to do these things, but the answer is simple! All it takes is a little patience and creativity.

With this course, you will learn how to get started with generating more engagement and sales through Facebook. Here are some basics first: What is the best practices for creating posts that drive engagement?

How should you use images in your posts? What kind of content should you share on your page, specifically what type of content generates the most clicks or shares from users’ timelines? These questions can all be answered by enrolling in this course. It also has tips on how to convert viewers into customers.

This BESTSELLER is currently rating at 4.7 stars with an enrollment of 7,000+. It takes 5.5 hours to go through this course. But no worries. You can take as much time as possible as long as you get a good mastery of the vitals.

Besides a money-back guarantee in case of any dissatisfaction, you will get a certificate upon completion. With this, you can use it to build and improve your CV and portfolio. This makes you more marketable.

You will enjoy other bonuses like downloadable worksheets, some freebies, a 15-minutes coaching call, and be part of an exclusive Facebook community that you will get more interaction and boost from.

You’re probably thinking that at this point I’m going to tell you the best way to engage with your audience on Facebook, what kind of content is engaging, or how to boost sales. And while it may seem like a simple feat, how do you know if your content is working?

It’s not enough for engagement and sales just to be up; they need to be sustainable for them to matter. This course has everything you need to know about engagement and sales.

Who is the Course for?

Online marketers
Small business owners
Advertising managers
Anyone who wants to improve their Facebook engagement and sales

What you will learn

  1. How to grow fans, improve engagements, and customers
  2. How to offer student care in a professional manner
  3. The differences between promoting a business using personal accounts, fan pages, business groups, and pages
  4. How to go viral on Facebook
  5. The 25 guarantees that can promote your business on Facebook
  6. How to make proper use of your Facebook updates and maximize reach
  7. How to create a Facebook store and use it for business
  8. How to get more shares, likes, and comments on your posts


  • Introduction
  • How to increase post engagement using punchy headlines
  • Facebook algorithm
  • How to boost Facebook engagement and make posts go viral
  • Going viral on Facebook
  • Using viral memes to boost sharing
  • How to market from your page
  • Set up the basics of your Facebook page
  • Promoting your business using Facebook pages
  • Set up the chatbot for sales and engagement
  • How to market from your Facebook group
  • Getting more exposure and engagement for Facebook events
  • How to run contests on Facebook and boost traffic and engagement
  • Questions about promoting on Facebook through your website
  • Facebook traffic trends
  • Facebook marketplaces and selling in global and local groups
  • How to use global Facebook groups to sell
  • Facebook and other social media hacking with automation
  • Facebook ads
  • Facebook live

Course Requirements

Willingness to learn and implement


The data is in and it’s clear; Facebook engagement (Likes, comments) leads to increased sales. But how do you go about increasing your likes? Well, there are several strategies that the instructors share.

Some of the best ways to increase likes on Facebook posts include posting content at certain times during the day or week when people are more likely to be online like early mornings or weekends as opposed to late nights.

You could also try asking questions in your posts that pique curiosity such as “What is your favorite recipe?” People love sharing their recipes so they’ll feel compelled to Like this post just because they know it is going out into the world where others will see it too!

I wasn’t going to make this another written lecture. Maybe enrolling in the course will be a better idea.

What Students are Saying About the Course

Facebook Live was my major phobia. For 6 years marketing my business on the platform, I have never known how tactfully to use it. Thanks, Alex.
A highly recommended course. Considering that it focuses on engagement and sales, this was the part I needed most.

Facebook Advertising Hacks, Tricks, and Tips (Skillshare)

Facebook Advertising Hacks - Skillshare Tutorial
Learn some of Austin’s tricks and secrets that have helped him gain HUGE results while spending a dollar daily.

Description of the Course

Facebook ads are one of the most effective ways to reach an audience and increase your social media engagement. But, with so many people advertising on Facebook these days, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. Here is a good course with easy tips for getting more clicks on your next Facebook ad campaign!

Facebook advertising is a powerful tool for any business looking to reach the masses. With over 1.8 billion active users, Facebook reaches nearly every country in the world. It’s important to take advantage of this platform and run ads that will target your audience with precision.

First off, it’s important to understand who you’re targeting before you start running ads. You can use tools like Audience Insights or Power Editor to find out information about people based on their interests or demographics before deciding which ad strategy would work best for them.

Next up is choosing an objective for your campaign; there are many options including boosting posts from a page and much more. You may be thinking that you’re doing a good job of advertising on Facebook, but, likely, you’re not sure if your ads are doing much.

How do know if they are working? This course will help you figure out what is and isn’t working for your business on Facebook.

You will learn how to track the reach of your posts to see how many unique people were reached by each post or ad campaign. If those numbers start climbing, then it means that your ads are succeeding!

There is information on how to use the “engaged users” metric when looking at data about impressions and click-through rates because this will show how many people clicked through to learn more about the post or product being advertised.

In the 2 hours and 40 minutes, Austin mostly gives his experience and what has worked for him. You can assess the tips and tricks and see those relevant for your business then implement them.

Who is the Course for?

Small businesses
Companies and corporations
Digital marketers
Anyone who wants to improve their business through Facebook Ads

What you will learn

  1. How to navigate the Facebook power editor
  2. How to create a custom audience
  3. How to Retarget your current customers
  4. How to Find lookalike audiences
  5. How to make custom conversions
  6. The perfect size of the audience to target
  7. How to create a perfect Facebook post
  8. How to create the first ad
  9. How to create great ads without experience
  10. The metrics to track
  11. How long to run ads when testing?
  12. Facebook ads hack
  13. How to diversify your ads campaign
  14. How to get Facebook ads on a tight budget
  15. How to land a hundred thousand Facebook fans
  16. How to spy on your competitors’ ads
  17. The highest-performing ad system
  18. Facebook algorithm


  • Introduction
  • How to navigate the Facebook power editor
  • Facebook tracking pixel
  • Custom audience
  • Interest-based targeting
  • Retargeting your current customers
  • Finding lookalike audiences
  • Custom conversions
  • The size of the audience to target
  • Creating a perfect Facebook post
  • Creating the first ad
  • AB testing ads
  • Automated rules
  • How to create great ads without experience
  • Metrics to track
  • Relevancy score
  • How long to run ads when testing?
  • Facebook ads hack
  • Diversifying your ads campaign
  • Getting Facebook ads on a tight budget
  • How to land a hundred thousand Facebook fans
  • Spying your competitors’ ads
  • The highest-performing ad system
  • Facebook algorithm

Course Requirements

A Facebook ads account


Facebook ads can be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. They have the potential to reach millions of people and bring them back to your website or landing page, but they also present some pitfalls if you don’t know what you are doing.

>This course will explain how to use Facebook ads for maximum success. If you want help creating an effective ad campaign on this platform, enroll. Austin is an expert and at standby ready to help you create a custom plan that makes sense for your business goals!

The explanations are simple. I didn’t expect it to be this thorough and only imagined it would have listings without details.

It is the tricks and hacks for me. Considering I am new to this, I found the course more relevant to my needs.

Facebook Ads for Beginners: Grow your Audience (Skillshare)

Facebook Ads for Beginners - Skillshare Tutorial
A 37-minutes course with insights on how to grow a loyal audience and improve your business through Facebook Ads regardless of the brand.

Description of the Course

Ever wondered how to grow your audience on Facebook? Laurie is here today to share with you the secrets of Facebook Advertising. It can be a little tricky, but with the tips and tricks in this course, it is easy as pie!

First off, make sure that your ad image is eye-catching. People will never click on an ad if they don’t know what it’s about. So, for them to understand what you are talking about when they see your ad later, make sure the image has something relevant or interesting in it so people pay attention.

Second tip? Make sure that your headline is engaging and intriguing enough for people to click on it without giving too much away. Sorry, but I can’t instruct the whole course here as it isn’t mine.

Facebook Ads are a great way to grow your audience. Just ask any of the thousands of businesses that have used Facebook ads for their business and seen results!

What’s more, Facebook has given us some cool tools over the years to help make advertising easier on both advertisers and users. One such tool is an Audience Insights report, which allows you to see which demographics are using your app or website.

You can then target those specific people with a campaign to reach them specifically with your ad content! This means you’re reaching exactly who you want–no wasted clicks for anyone!

And if you want even better-targeting options, try adding interests like “parenting” or “retirement” into your targeting criteria so it’s easy for these groups to be reached.

Yes, it is only 37 minutes and that could seem like too little for a course. You will be surprised about the impact the course can have on your business if you implement the strategies and tips she shares.

Who is the Course for?

Anyone who wants to grow a loyal audience on Facebook and learn how ads work
Business owners

What you will learn

  1. The importance of using Facebook ads
  2. Some Facebook ads terms you need to know
  3. The Facebook ads platform
  4. Different types of Facebook ads
  5. The Facebook ads structure
  6. How to choose the first ad campaign
  7. How to identify your target audience
  8. How to set a good budget
  9. How to design a Facebook ad
  10. Facebook ad copies
  11. How to optimize Facebook ads


  • Introduction
  • Course structure
  • The importance of using Facebook ads
  • Facebook ads terms you need to know
  • Facebook ads platform
  • Different types of Facebook ads
  • Facebook ads structure
  • How to choose the first ad campaign
  • Identifying your target audience
  • Setting a good budget
  • Designing a Facebook ad
  • Facebook ad copies
  • Optimizing Facebook ads

Course Requirements

A Facebook ads account


As many of us are aware, Facebook is not just an online social network anymore. It’s also a place where people go to buy and sell products or services. It should come as no surprise that there are lots of companies spending big bucks on Facebook advertising.

In fact, according to the latest stats from eMarketer, worldwide ad spend on Facebook will surpass $6 billion this year – more than double what it was in 2011!

Facebook advertising is a great way to grow your audience. Facebook ads are easy to target and they can be used for a variety of purposes, including business promotion, event marketing, or the sale of physical goods.

What Students are Saying About the Course

I needed to know how to create a very effective Facebook ad campaign and wanted a short course. My attention span is crappy. I loved this one.

For anyone who wants to know the basics of advertisement and how they work, this course comes in handy.

Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing Mastery Guide (Skillshare)

Facebook Ads Mastery - Skillshare Tutorial
Learn Facebook Marketing to an advanced level and grasp some of the social media marketing strategies Justin has been implementing.

Description of the Course

Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing, in one sentence: If you’re not advertising on Facebook now, you’re missing out on an incredible opportunity.

If you’re reading this, then I’m assuming that you have a Facebook page and are using it to market your business. One of the best ways to do this is by running ads on Facebook with a budget and targeting specific audiences around the world. Or are hoping to start one to grow your business.

Facebook is the second largest website in the world and it’s growing by leaps and bounds every day. It has 2 billion monthly active users (MAU) worldwide and 1.6 billion MAUs in North America alone.

And that number is only going to continue to grow as more of our lives migrate onto this platform. Every minute there are over 3 million status updates on Facebook! Your customers are here; they want to be reached through ads – so what are you waiting for? Start your campaign today with this incredible course!

People are always on their phones, scrolling through their newsfeeds, clicking on ads, and liking posts that they find interesting. In this course the instructor will be covering everything you need to know about Facebook Ads for marketing purposes including how to create a campaign, what types of ads work best for different industries, targeting options like demographics & interests, and more.

Who is the Course for?

Small businesses
Companies and corporations
Digital marketers
Anyone who wants to improve their business through Facebook Ads

What you will learn

  1. How to use Facebook business manager
  2. The basics of Facebook ads and Facebook ads funnel
  3. How to create Facebook ads
  4. How to install Facebook pixel
  5. How to create ads
  6. How to use marketing objectives
  7. How to create a Facebook page
  8. How to build successful Facebook ads
  9. How to use sales funnels
  10. How to scale your Facebook ads and Split testing Facebook ads
  11. How to get Instagram followers
  12. Local targeting in Facebook ads
  13. How lead generation ads work
  14. How to share assets on Facebook
  15. Facebook analytics funnels and developer apps
  16. Facebook events and advanced Facebook offers
  17. Dynamic language optimization
  18. How to bid
  19. How to create a new ad account and pixel
  20. Facebook groups


  • Introduction to the course
  • Facebook business manager guide
  • Basics of Facebook ads
  • Facebook ads funnel
  • How to create Facebook ads
  • How to install Facebook pixel
  • Creating ads part 1 & 2
  • Using marketing objectives part 1-3
  • Creating a Facebook page
  • Building successful Facebook ads
  • Sales funnels using Facebook ads part 1-2
  • Advanced conversion ads
  • Scaling your Facebook ads
  • Split testing Facebook ads
  • Getting Instagram followers
  • Local targeting in Facebook ads
  • Advanced video ads
  • Lead generation ads
  • Facebook ads to free eBook lead capture
  • advanced lookalike audiences
  • Advanced Instagram ads
  • Audience insights
  • Facebook reporting
  • Analytics vs reporting
  • Sharing assets on Facebook
  • Dynamic creatives
  • Product dialogue
  • Facebook analytics funnels
  • Facebook developer apps
  • Facebook events
  • Advanced Facebook offers
  • Dynamic language optimization
  • Advanced custom audience
  • Advanced detailed targeting
  • Bidding
  • Creating a new ad account and pixel
  • Custom events vs standard events
  • Facebook messenger ads
  • Facebook groups
  • Targeting specific OS
  • Value-based lookalike audience
  • Video to a Facebook page cover image

Course Requirements

Willingness to learn and implement


I know, I know. Facebook ads can be a little overwhelming and confusing at times. But if you’re one of the many people who are floundering with their ad campaigns, don’t worry!

This course has got you covered and has insights on how to use Facebook Ads for your business. Here’s everything you need to know about getting started, boosting engagement, and managing your bids and budgets like a pro!

Facebook has created a new year with a new set of rules for advertisers. As the social media giant continues to grow, more and more Facebook users are taking advantage of their advertising platform and using it as an effective marketing tool.

With that in mind, Justin shares some tips on how you can use Facebook Ads & Marketing to reach your desired audience all while staying within the guidelines outlined by Facebook’s Terms of Service (TOS).

What Students are Saying About the Course

In only 11 hours and 4 minutes, I changed how I market my business on Facebook. I don’t know if the same strategies apply to Instagram. But if you are thinking twice about this course, you are wasting time.
The course is detailed and the breakdown allowed me to digest one section before proceeding to the next. Highly recommended.

FAQ’s – Questions About Best Online Facebook Marketing Courses

Q) What are the advantages of a Facebook Marketing Course?
A) Most marketing courses will cover all aspects of social media and connecting with an audience. You’ll gain experience in creating ads, writing posts or videos that promote your products or services, growing your following, and more! There’s no limit to what you can learn from taking these courses.

Q) Do I get certificates for all the online Facebook Marketing courses I take?
A) Not for all of them. You will receive certificates for Facebook Marketing Courses whose instructors offer this.

Q) How much does it cost?
A) There are different course lengths and prices, so you must do a little research before committing to one though. But be assured that what we have reviewed is affordable. You can get some free options if you are on a tight budget and wouldn’t want to spend.

Q) Are instructors available 24/7?
A) No, they’re not. Some courses are available 24/24, but some of them have limited availability or certain time slots for the live training sessions that you can take at your own pace on any device with internet access. But instructors offer as much help as possible in the discussion sections.
Also, before asking any questions you have, you can go through the reviews, project, and discussion segments to see if the same has been asked and answered earlier.

Q) Can I still get help even if I’m already enrolled in a course?
A) Yes! Not only is support readily available to help you if you get stuck, but some courses also offer a money-back guarantee.

Q) Are these beginner or advanced courses?
A) All of the courses we’ve reviewed are for beginners, but some have more features and offer advanced lessons. However, most of these advanced aspects go deep into marketing theory.

Wrap Up

So, you may be asking yourself what does this have to do with Facebook marketing? Everything! The social media platform is the world’s most popular and it has over 2 billion monthly active users.

It can make or break any business. Just like in life, people are drawn to familiarity so if your company uses a lot of visual content on their page then they will likely see more engagement than those who don’t.

And when you post something that gets attention, it’s important not just for how long someone looks at the photo but also about how many “likes” and comments they leave behind as well.

All these factors come together to create an image of your brand which could lead potential customers down different paths.

Marketing on Facebook can be a daunting task. How do you get people to come back to your page? What should you post about? Who needs access to this account anyway?

The possibilities are endless! But with all these options, it’s also easy for marketers like yourself to feel overwhelmed without the right knowledge and tools in place. Luckily, I have compiled some courses that will make marketing on Facebook easier than ever before!

If you want help getting started or need advice from experts who know how important customer interaction is in social media marketing, you have a variety to choose from.

You know the old saying, “If you can’t beat them, join them?” Well, that’s what you should do. And let me tell you all it will be a long journey but you will finally see some light.


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