How Effective is Facebook Marketing? Affordable Ads

How Effective is Facebook Marketing
You all loved it as a social networking platform, and I am sure you still do.

But if you are in business and haven’t tried marketing on Facebook, you are missing out on a whole lot.

Facebook marketing is one of the most effective forms of marketing any business can embrace for growth.

It is a decade-plus since the platform was founded.

It has moved from being a fav for most Ivy League undergraduates to a worldwide powerhouse affecting most people’s daily lives.

So many businesses use Facebook for marketing their brands, products and services.

While some use a few free FB marketing methods, most spend pretty pennies on it.

Those doing it right witness a positive return on investment.

Forget the popularity; for now, this question is crucial when each marketing buck counts.

Each business sees its ultimate returns differ depending on the industry, quality, investment and other affecting variables.

The surest way to determine your business’s exact return on investment generated from Facebook marketing is by trying it out and calculating it based on your results.

If you are still on edge about using Facebook Marketing, below is some information to get you started.

Does Facebook Marketing Work?

Sure, it does!

If you want to be surefire that you will get good returns on your Facebook marketing investments, the first thing to do is go through the complex numbers.

I have compiled some statistical info below highlighting how Facebook is effective as a marketing channel.

22% of the global population consists of active Facebook users, with 68% of them being adults.

76% of these users scout for captivating content on the platform. Since 2014 content consumption and use on Facebook has risen 57%.

66% of all social media users stick around the network to learn about and find new services and products.

Customers that like a brand, business or product on Facebook are 80% more likely to buy than non-fans.

In 2015 research showed that Facebook influences 52% of these consumers as they buy online or offline, and the figure is rising.

Facebook has a hyper-targeting custom audience mechanism that allows you to market so specifically that marketers have witnessed their customer acquisition cost reduce by 73%.

The average price per thousand impressions popularly referred to as CPM for Facebook marketing is about $7.29 vs upwards of $34 for TV commercials in the building awareness section.

Facebook is crucial for B2B realms – about 73 % of active users say they use the platform for professional reasons.

From the information above, you can agree that Facebook has high potential in delivering a considerable return on marketing investment for whichever reason.

7+ Reasons Facebook is among the Most Effective Marketing Tools

Let’s be honest: For most marketers and business owners advertising on the platform, Facebook’s organic reach has dwindled in the past few years.

Does that mean you should dump it already?

On the contrary: One of the most recent surveys of marketers shows that Mark’s platform remains one of the best and most influential networks compared to any social media platform.

I agree that Instagram and TikTok are rapidly growing in this sector, but let us watch and see which beats the other and when.

An incredible 95% of respondents in a popular social marketing report predicting the future rank Facebook as one of the top four drivers of their return on investments of all the social platforms.

From this report, Twitter came next, followed by Instagram.

Why do most of them rank Facebook so highly?

1) Popularity

Facebook is among the networks that still exist since its release in 2004.

Since its launch, the platform has become popular over the years, and if you know too well, there is power in numbers.

To date, Facebook has more than 1.4 billion users and 900+ million active and visit the platform daily.

Tell me that it isn’t the 900-pound baboon of social networks.

Regardless of the size of your business, you don’t have any reason not to be present and active on this platform.

2) Facebook users are covered in all demographics.

Whether you target seniors, teens, male or female, you can never miss them on the platform.

82% of online adults on the platform fall between 18 and 29 years, with a considerable number between 30 and 49 and 50 and 64.

Even internet users above 65, almost half of them use Facebook.

3) Facebook is addictive

Most Facebook users spend at least an hour a day on the network on average.

Business Insider reports that most Facebook users use 20% of all their time online globally.

Spending more time on this network means spending more time interacting with your business if present there.

Facebook Marketing how Effective is it

4) Facebook is rapidly growing.

Facebook is currently dominating social media.

There are no signs of it slowing any time soon unless its developers decide to cancel it from all areas.

As it evolved from being a solely social network to a marketing platform and much more, you can agree that there is so much to expect from it.

5) Facebook marketing is affordable.

Have you been in business before, or are you still running one?

Do you have numbers of how much marketing costs on your end?

If you do and use different avenues, I am sure you have noticed some being costlier than others.

And, if you have been using Facebook marketing well, you can agree that it is among the most affordable forms.

While it has many free advertising methods, some are paid (cheap).

Averagely, a Facebook ad costs $5.99 for every 1000 impressions; also, you can set and manage your budget to avoid facing unexpected marketing costs.

6) Facebook marketing is well-targeted.

It is possible to target an audience by age, gender, location, interests and more defining factors.

Facebook has a custom feature for targeting existing customers privately and safely.

Or, you can market to local consumers using local awareness ads that are reachable to them on their devices.

7) Facebook allows you to reach out to your website customers

Facebook has a retargeting option allowing you to show ads to only those who have visited your business site before.

The option is effective if you have an active business website.

8) Facebook allows you to spread the word about your business to friends of your friends.

Each time your target groups or customers see your Facebook ads or posts, their friends on the platform also see them.

This multiplies the effectiveness of Facebook’s marketing efforts.

9) Facebook allows you to measure your results.

Are you still doubting the effectiveness of Facebook as a marketing tool?

Measure your return on investment and prove yourself wrong if you have been using it for a while.


Some have been using the platform for paid marketing but are unaware that they can measure their results and see if Facebook marketing is working for their businesses.

Facebook has a free Insights tool that allows you to track the results of your marketing efforts on Facebook.

This includes organic posts and ads.

From these insights, you can extract detailed info about your potential customers and how they are engaging with your brand or business on Facebook.

You can know the likes you received this week and compare them to past measures, the different engagements you received like shares, comments and likes on your posts.

Also, you will know the ads that drove a lot of traffic to your sites and other relevant actions.

Why should you use Facebook Marketing for your Business?

Organic content marketing via social media content and blog posts is excellent.

However, Facebook marketing is a powerful method of promoting your services, products and brand to your target market.

You can reach lots of people with an ad on Facebook than traditional campaigns in publications, magazines and newspapers.

For paid advertising as a form of marketing on this platform, you only pay when a user clicks on your advertisement, and the cost per click is minimal.

Meaning it is incredibly cheap to market and advertise on Facebook compared to other social media platforms; thus, you will get whatever you want while maintaining low costs.

In addition, you can tailor the ads specifically for every user depending on their search history, things they have liked before or Facebook profile info.

Results from ads are real individuals engaging with your posts and content and turning into leads that add to your sales.

Maintaining a good, healthy Facebook presence is crucial for the success of any brand or business regardless of the size since it is the largest platform for anyone to draw their audience.

Also, many reputable sites feature their ads on Facebook depending on recommendations from other platform users.

Your ad could just be before your core audience and the perfect customer.

What else are you waiting for if you haven’t started using Facebook marketing to grow and expand your reach?


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