Facebook Ads and Marketing MASTERY Tutorial

Facebook Ads and Marketing Mastery - Udemy Tutorial
A comprehensive course on Facebook marketing and how you can scale your presence in this field.

Learn how to grow your business or other people’s brands from anywhere.

Description of the Course

Thousands of businesses and brands, whether big or small connect with customers on Facebook.

Or you thought Facebook is still the old messaging platform like it used to be in 2005.

This social network has revolutionized communication both socially and economically.

Zuckerberg must have had a deeper vision with this platform and it is now visible.

How then does Facebook marketing come in?

Well, the number of monthly Facebook users is estimated at 2.7 billion.

This is a HUGE figure and if putting your brand out to them is your aim, you are on the winning side.

But wait, it isn’t as plain as you think it is.

You need to have an idea of Facebook marketing and how it works.

This is where Course Envy comes in with this BESTSELLER course.

You need a thorough course that can explain the ins and outs of Facebook marketing.

Factor out what your target market is and how to properly reach them and convince them to purchase your products or services.

Many wouldn’t see a course as useful but from the 28,000+ students who have reviewed the course, you can agree that it is necessary for growth.

Currently, the course is rated at 4.5 stars with an enrollment of 183,000+ students.

I am not shocked because Course Envy is a renowned name among online learners.

What amazes me the most is how often the course is updated.

So many instructors create courses and never update them whatsoever.

What would you do with an outdated course?

Facebook is dynamic and new features are added often.

The instructor ensures all students are working with the current version of the platform.

You can always stop by to check for any updates even if you completed the course months ago.

It is a 12-hour course with everything you need to know from beginner to advanced level.

Take it at your pace to ensure you comprehend each section.

Whether you want to know the workable strategies of becoming an ads expert, everything you need is in this course.

The instructor has been working for various companies and helping them with social media marketing.

So, he gives his experience and shares what works.

Brands, services, products, public figures, and businesses all need to be skillful in Facebook marketing.

Ask you questions and you will get help.

The responses might not be instant but will be as soon as the instructor sees your questions.

Also, check on the Q and A section to see if the same has been asked and answered before.

The instructor talks about the right social media pages for you.

You never know!

Your business could be stagnating because you are marketing it on the wrong platform.

Know the correct content management techniques to use.

This should make posting your content easier.

You can’t be using an awfully-looking page and ads and expect conversions.

There is more on optimizing your pages and ads to reach your target market.

This is the right time to make the most out of Facebook marketing and do it easily and focus on running the business.

The scope of the course is incredible.

It begins from the novice level as it slowly progresses into the advanced level.

You will learn about Facebook and the ads manager.

There is much about optimizing ad campaigns that you need to know.

Maybe taking this course now would be the only way to improve your business.

Building an online presence needs tact and skills.

Without this, there are chances that you aren’t exploiting your business’s maximum potential.

Every Facebook marketer wants to increase their conversions while greatly reducing costs.

Optimizing Facebook ads will be a good way for you to achieve this.

Learn more on the methods of growing your post engagements and page likes.

This will be a great way of finding new customers who will drive your business to greater heights through online marketing.

Accomplishing all your business goals will be made easier with this course.

Remember that there are no two or three businesses that are alike.

Facebook has been designed to help each business meet its goals no matter how specific they are.

Learn why Facebook pages and ad formats are built to capture the reader’s attention and later prompt action.

The intention here is to create brand awareness, reach as many people as possible, and increase conversions.

Who is the Course for?

Anyone who wants to know how to cheaply advertise with Facebook ads and work with the best strategies for the platform
Anyone who wants to master everything about Facebook marketing and Facebook ads
Advertising managers
Marketing representatives
Online marketers
Public figures
Advertising managers
Digital content creators
Small business owners

Facebook Marketing Mastery - Udemy Tutorial

What you will learn

  1. How to connect with people and methods of lowering the costs of ads through Facebook ads
  2. How to post a lot of content at once on different social media platforms
  3. Mastering Facebook ads manager
  4. Implementing the Facebook Pixel
  5. More advanced tracking strategies
  6. How to master sales funnels, retargeting, awareness, and conversions
  7. How to spend about $0.01 per click/like/engagement using Facebook ads strategies
  8. How to use the Facebook business manager advanced features
  9. Mastering everything about Facebook marketing in the same course


  • Introduction to Facebook marketing
  • Facebook page
  • Facebook ads
  • Facebook pixel and audiences
  • An in-depth analysis of the various types of Facebook ads
  • Facebook engagement
  • Facebook insights, reporting, and optimization
  • Social media marketing
  • FAQs on Facebook
  • The business manager and how to begin a Facebook ad business or agency
  • Facebook shops
  • Resources

Course Requirements

A phone or computer with an internet connection
An active personal account /profile on Facebook

FAQs – Questions on the Facebook Ads and Facebook Marketing MASTERY 2021 Course

Q) There is nowhere in the course that indicated that one can download a certificate of completion. Is it elsewhere after taking the course?

A) Once you are through with the curriculum and all the sections of the course, a trophy pops up above your course player. There is a notification to indicate that you can now download your certificate of completion.
Sometimes, you might have issues downloading your certificate. Reach Udemy’s support desk for help. Or, you can check on the support section as this has been addressed there.

Q) I am having problems downloading notes under some sections. Could this be an era on the platform?

A) If this occurs, update the flash player and download again. Ensure you enable the download option from outside of your browser.

Q) What if I have two or three business Facebook manager accounts, can I merge them? I want to retain my Facebook pages but merge the manager accounts.

A) If your accounts represent one thing and have similar names, it is possible to merge two or more pages. Facebook has this well explained in the help section.
You can’t merge the business managers. Give your pages access the have the ad accounts linked to a similar ad manager. Delete the remaining ones. This should sort out the issue. You can do this in the business settings section.
Click on business info and click on the permanently delete business icon. Proceed with the rest of the instructions.
Note that your ad accounts associated with the business will be deleted permanently unless you want them transferred to a different business manager.

Q) What is the importance of the certificate of completion? Must I download it?

A) You can download it or choose not to. The certificate shows that you completed your training. It helps students get work in this industry.
Even if you are only interested in running ads for businesses, this will still be helpful. This is a plus and proof of skill or talent in the area of work you are doing.

Q) Must I have a live site before creating a business manager? My domain is active but my website hasn’t gone live yet. I created a Facebook page and tried creating the business manager. After keying in my domain and submitting, it resulted in an error.

A) Not necessarily as you can do it without a website. Instead of on the website domain, you can input your Instagram URL or Facebook page URL.
This happens sometimes but you can leave it for a few days and clear cookies and cache then try again. On the website section, you can try keying in a link to any website.

Q) Can I link two websites to one Facebook page then create a Facebook ad and use it to drive traffic to the two sites?

A) It is impossible to link two websites to one ad account or Facebook page. Avoid having multiple websites for one business.
There is an option to create a website then a landing page under it. This is if you want others to sign up.


There are so many potential customers on Facebook looking for products and services like yours.

Having a smart marketing strategy will be the ideal way of connecting with them.

If you are hoping to scale on social media, you need to focus on Facebook marketing as much as you are doing or would do on Instagram marketing.

With the huge figure using the platform daily, these are potential eyeballs and spenders.

This course will be a great tool if you are keen on the future of your brand or business.

Everything about Facebook and marketing on this platform is here.

Initially, it was only a social place where your buddies could write cryptic comments anyhow on posts and pictures.

Today, small and big businesses are connecting here.

Facebook marketing is bustling and becoming extremely bold.

Tapping into the audience is the best thing you could do and Course Envy helps you do this in this course.

It doesn’t matter your level of skill, this course is a gem and might be the game-changer in your business.

It takes half a day if you are taking it in one sitting. But, there is no pressure to complete the course.

The instructor shares how to set up your Facebook page and optimize it.

It is FREE.

So, if you are on a tight budget, you are lucky here.

You will learn how to tactfully use the page to create productive content.

I understand that paid strategies can be a gamble.

But not here!

The instructor of the course has been working with many clients handling their Facebook marketing.

He has studied the patterns and identified the gold from the dust.

In this course, he shares the gold.

That is what you need!

Still, he shows how to get ads for the lowest amount possible.

This should work for you even if you don’t have much to spend.

Point to remember: successful and excellent Facebook marketing needs maintenance.

You shouldn’t set and forget it then expect abracadabra scenarios onwards.

Learn how to track and measure your progress.

You will pick what outshines the rest and tweak the others to try them next time.

Constant improvement is crucial.

I know! I know!

There is so much to learn in this course.

But, the greatest thing is that you can start today.

Enroll in the course, work things out slowly and learn.

This is going to be a journey before you can master how to handle complex campaigns and strategies.

What Students are saying about the Course

Such an excellent way to learn how to manage my Facebook presence while still using other social media networks to market my brand.

I love that everything has been smartly organized. As a beginner, this has built my confidence 100%.

Mass posting has been giving me a migraine. I needed this course in my life earlier but I am not too late.

If you have zero knowledge of Facebook marketing, this is the best place to start from.


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