The Complete Facebook Ads Marketing Course – Guru Up

Complete Facebook Ads Tutorial on UdemyLearn to take advantage of the incredible Facebook Ads features.

Target specific markets, interests, and everything good.

Here, you get the Facebook Advertising tricks, tips, and insights from Suppoman, a social media marketing guru.

Description of the Course

Whoa! The numbers here are huge and I had to browse the reviews to believe.

I am sold.

Totally sold and you too should consider camping here for this goodness.

Being in the online market, I know the struggles of marketing your business or site.

Without proper knowledge and understanding of social media marketing, achieving the right audience in large numbers is a dream.

This directly translates to low conversions.

So why would you have a business online, not market it well, and expect it to yield more?

I’ll help you so stick around.

Let’s get straight into it: It is easy but with the right tools.

What tools?

A good course to start with will help you grip the grounds of social media marketing very steadily.

Over 84,000 students have enrolled in the course and the reviews are overwhelming.

Currently rated at 4.8 stars with such a huge number of enrollment, this was a fast trigger to buy the course and see what the hype was.

No hype!

Only facts that work here!

There are very many ways to grow a business.

But in 2021, where everyone is embracing technology and doing almost everything digitally, social media marketing turns to be the most real of deals.

Suppoman, through this course, takes you through Facebook Ads and how to use them for efficiency.

The instructor ensures to keep this course updated and relevant.

It is among the few with the most recent Facebook Ad strategies and marketing tips.

Compared to the much you’ll learn the duration of the course is not a big deal.

It is 11 hours and 19 minutes to complete the course.

Don’t worry as there is no physical reward for whoever completes first.

Take your time and master all you need to.

But there are no limitations to when you can take the course.

  • Divided into 23 sections,
  • 122 lectures which last 1 to 3 minutes.

You will enjoy full-time access to this course once you buy it.

Since the course is often updated, get back to see the newest and most effective strategies.

Facebook Marketing isn’t rocket science, no Elon Musks required.

It needs tact and skill to ace in this space.

So far, only the smartest have survived.

Your level of skill doesn’t matter.

Whether you are a novice at Facebook marketing or have been doing this for a while, there is a ton of information here.

Some marketing agencies have spent millions of dollars in advertising with very slow growth.

Wait, we aren’t overambitious here.

Just realistic and that’s all!

So, we’ll not promise you heaven on earth.

This course helps you learn the strategies of Facebook Ads and marketing so that you can identify your faults if you were on the journey already.

Different Facebook Marketers have different experiences at building their brands.

This course brings all of them together to learn the right methods to use to better their businesses.

Receipts are crucial here. Mostly in these times when anyone can compile a course and sell it online.

Everyone is looking for results and Suppoman has the evidence.

The instructor attests to using several Facebook Ads to market his Udemy courses considering he had over 25,000 fans on the platform.

Are you still interested?

Maybe it is time you took the course to help you identify and reach your target audience with ease.

Love the guy.

He doesn’t beat around the bush and drives straight into the real business.

In the first few lectures, you’ll learn how easy it is to get Facebook likes for about 0003 dollars or less.

There is more on video views and the amounts.

Try this and let’s know how it turned out.

Better of course!

Get the Course

Who is the Course for?

  • Anyone who wants to learn the tricks of Facebook marketing regardless of the level of skill or experience on using Facebook.
  • Those interested in growing their brands and business by reaching their target audience faster using Facebook Ads.

An Overview of the Course

While people’s advertising needs vary, Facebook marketing and the use of Ads have turned out to be dependable in recent years.

First, there is so much about getting your target audience. It has to be simple yet very smart.

The ads have to reach your target audience and trigger them to buy.

This course comes in handy.

You learn how one can gain sales, create awareness of their brands, and do it using ads at 1c for every customer view.

The instructor as a social media marketer has done marketing on all social platforms.

He explains how he has used YouTube adverts in the past.

At that time the lowest cost was 1c for every video view.

Here, he turns to Facebook video views and how you can get each for 0.0003 cents.

See how cheap this can be?

These are some of the tricks you get to learn in the course.

Everyone hopes to grow their business to greater levels.

So, this course will be relevant and show you how you can navigate Zuckerberg’s streets when it comes to marketing there.

If you go into Facebook Ads marketing blindly, the affair will be costly with almost no results.

You get very few likes for much more bucks.

It is good to be here.

This course shows you how you can advertise and market your brand or products for cheap or almost nothing while achieving great results.

The frustration and pain are too much as Suppoman explains what he went through as a naïve and foolish fresher.

He shares a clear formula you can use and how to execute it.

Practical as we all like it, right?

It doesn’t end with the figures and the bucks.

The instructor shows you how to start a page that will self-grow using the techniques he gives.

If you love to follow viral videos, check the pages that share them on Facebook.

Mostly, they grow organically because of similar techniques that Suppoman explains in the course.

Organic traffic just doesn’t occur when you create the Facebook page.

It needs to have grown and your likes a little higher.

So should your video views on Facebook.

Wait a minute!

The course isn’t only for those who want to get the likes, views, and numbers.

Those who want to build pages for social proof for their brands will love the course.

I loved the practicality of this course.

The theory here is backed by proof.

Facebook is a popular social platform with over 8.7 million users.

Using it as a marketing channel will be effective.

Most businesses have used this means and it has paid.

The platform has a huge user base and the targeting is more advanced.

So are the tracking features.

The instructor shows you how to create perfectly optimized ad campaigns to drive a good amount of revenue.

If you are a novice at digital marketing, it might be challenging to run successful Facebook ad campaigns.

There are so many elements that influence how ads run and you need to master them.

This course covers the majority and most critical.

If the ad campaigns aren’t structured effectively, you might not see returns on the amount you invested in the ads.

Hence, this course becomes relevant to rescue you from another loss attempt if you tried gambling with the strategies without prior knowledge.
Complete Facebook Ads Tutorial on Udemy - Reactions


  • An introduction to the course and proof of the effectiveness of the course
  • An introduction to Facebook marketing and learning the basics
  • Facebook ads for novices
  • Pages and a few strategies to implement for success
  • Facebook marketing functions
  • How to use one ad to get over 100,000 plus page likes
  • Creating viral videos
  • $0 UK and US post engagement ads for sales and profit
  • Remarketing
  • Analyzing Facebook ads to determine what will be effective for you
  • Facebook live
  • Reaching a million people daily using Facebook Live
  • Making punchy live streams that will stand out
  • Facebook live strategies you can use for profiles and groups
  • Facebook live as the best type of video on Facebook
  • Optimization strategies for Facebook live
  • Instructor doing a fun live stream using Facebook Live
  • How to use Facebook ads for Instagram
  • Guideline for success using Facebook ads and marketing
  • Using and creating Facebook audiences for Facebook Ads
  • Retired lectures
  • A course summary
  • Learning more about social media with Suppoman on Udemy

Course Requirements and Prerequisites

Page owners who are using to grow their platform with the right audience and translate that into sales
Novices who want to market their brands and businesses on Facebook using Ads and other marketing strategies
Social media marketers who want to learn the latest tips, tricks, and strategies.
Brand owners who want to create a social media presence.
Influencers and bloggers
Employees in digital marketing agencies who need to stand out from the rest
Small business owners

FAQ’s – Questions about the Complete Facebook Ads & Marketing Tutorial 2021

Q) Is it worth it to have a Facebook Certification?

A) Those who want to advance their careers in digital marketing will find the certification very valuable. The certification helps in competency validation of the platform and your familiarization with the best practices that you can apply in real life.

Q) Is there a tool to help with managing the ads?

A) Facebook Ads Manager exists. This is where all the ad campaigns on Facebook run through.

Q) Can you customize the target audience?

A) Sure. There are so many demographics that you can use to customize your audience from location, age, gender, and languages to connections, behaviors, and interests.

Q) How long can I set my budget for a Facebook ad?

A) Usually, you can set the budget to a daily or lifetime option.

Conclusion on the Facebook Ads Course

What’s next?

Buying the course! By now you should have known how crucial it is to understand how you leverage your Facebook ads to become a staple of your social media marketing.

The instructor has a section on how to use Facebook ads for Instagram which makes it exciting.

Hitting two birds with one stone, right?

Nowadays, if you need your posts to be seen by a large number of Facebook users, you will most likely need to pay for the ads for quicker and more reach.

Facebook’s paid advertising seems like one of the immediate methods of impacting the reach or content.

However, this has its questions.

Myriads in fact.

Is this effective?

How’s the engagement like?

What are the expected results?

The instructor strives to answer most questions in the course.

He shows proof of effectiveness and that’s the best part of it.

No doubt: we all don’t expect a loss from the money spent on advertising a business or a product.

This course explains everything you’ll need about Facebook ads.

Moreover, it goes into the depths of ad campaigns and how to run them effectively from results.

You should have decided by now!

You should take the course if you are in dire need of growing your business and brand online.

If your intuition hasn’t is unshaken, you probably aren’t ready for growth yet.

What Students Say About the Course

Did you know that you can let your like campaigns run in the background to achieve a number you like first? Now you know. This and more tricks are available in this course.

The instructor makes it easy to apply this knowledge. However, you need to use more creativity for the strategies to work for your niche.

Suppoman is responsive and answered my questions in a short while. His advice came in handy when setting up my Facebook page.

For the basics of Facebook ads and marketing, this course is ideal. He does a thorough job on lecture delivery. The proof made so much sense.

With the help of the course, I managed to scale my likes to 5387 from 108 at $0.002 for every like. This might be far from the three zero club but the engagement and low cost likes were amazing.

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