What Are Digital Marketing Tools? Rev up Productivity

What are Digital Marketing Tools
Digital marketing is the surest way to grow your business and achieve your ROI if you do it right.

Of course, different channels work for different business, with a few combinations to boost the results.

Well, it is a diverse industry with numerous channels that have proven to work and each has recommended tools to simplify tasks and enhance automation.

So, what are digital marketing tools?

Digital marketing tools are programs and software that aid in skyrocketing your digital efforts, creating practical work avenues, testing and measuring the performance of campaigns and strategies.

These tools help brands launch campaigns and analyze high performing areas, weak points and areas to improve for maximum results.

The industry is dynamic with numerous emerging trends that can be daunting hence the need for programs that can make work quick, reliable, and with minimal to no human errors.

What Are Digital Marketing Tools?

You probably know of digital marketing channels which are the main methods of creating business and brand awareness to an audience.

Now, for these channels to be effective in achieving your marketing strategies, you need tools for digital marketing for a boost.

The tools keep stuff organized and you can customize to fit your strategies when need be.

Tools for digital marketing exist in dozens but we’ll describe some of the most effective that masses swear by.

NOTE: A digital marketing channels can have 50+ tools that could work for different needs.

Some have a long list while others have a few with more software being developed.

Additionally, you will find a tool that works for design featuring under social media and that is fine.

Since hundreds of tools exist, we only list a few that businesses recommend the most and some uncommon options that work extremely well.

Design Tools

As a business, you are always designing something – it could be a flyer, brochure, social media post, thumbnail, or any visual you need to convey information to your audience.

More visuals than text is one of the marketing secrets most people are yet to embrace.

That’s where tools such as Adobe Photoshop and Canva come in.

These have free and paid versions you can use depending on your design needs and user capacity.

These are the easiest to learn and use even without previous design skills since they have templates for starters.

More advanced design tools marketers use are:

Social Media Marketing Tools

Social media platforms are an integral part of digital marketing.

Sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and TikTok are a perfect way to grow brand awareness, engage with audiences, market, sell, and retain clients.

Different social media tools work differently.

Some help with ads management and performance like Facebook Ads Manager, while others help to schedule posts and evaluate engagement on posted content.

Hootsuite and Buffer are excellent examples, but you can also try the below for automation and ease of executing social media tasks:

Analytics Tools

Analytic tools aid in tracking and forecasting the performance of campaigns.

These track numerous metrics like CPC, CPL, ROMI, and ROAS, tackle attribution modelling, combine them with marketing data from the channel you are using it.

Google Analytics is a good example that tracks statistics for web traffic to a certain site.

Social media analytics such as Twitter Analytics and Facebook Insights give metrics on engagement to help a brand optimize campaigns.

Periscope is perfect for backend stats evaluations for sites to track site searches and user data.

More tools in this section are:

Email Marketing Tools

What are digital marketing tools for email marketers?

There are dozens of them with MailChimp being the most typical.

Email marketing tools help you create email campaigns to sensitize your content, engage users more with your brand, and evoke an action like subscribing, signing up, or purchasing a product or service.

The tools subsequently analyze each email campaign to easier and faster testing and optimization.

Here are more tools that could make your email marketing journey less hectic:

FAQs on Digital Marketing Tools

Digital marketing tools is a massive topic that could take tens of posts to cover hence the numerous questions asked by novices.

We answer some below that should help ease your industry struggles.

Q) What Are Some of the Recommended Content Management Tools?

A) Content management tools cut across sourcing, creation, and storage of content on digital and social platforms.

Good examples are Oroson, MishGuru, and CrowdRiff.

Q) Are There Free Marketing Tools for Businesses on a Budget?

A) Yes. There are many free marketing tools for brands with a tight funds, ranging from the research face to result analysis.

Some are comprehensive management programs while others are quite straightforward.

Some examples are Buzzsumo, Google Trends, Make My Persona, SurveyMonkey, Hemmingway Editor, and Content Idea Generator.

Other apps have free and paid version.

The free versions work equally well but with limited features you can access after a subscription.

Q) Which Tools Can SEO Beginners Use?

A) Starting SEO needs you to master the basics before advancing to deeper concepts.

Beginners will benefit from Google Analytics, Adwords Keyword Tool, Yoast, Open Site Explorer, and PageRank Status.

More advanced options are SpyFu, Ubbersuggest, Moz Pro, and SEMRush.

Take Home

Digital marketing is a tool filled space as you will be needing a program to organize files, another to create content for your marketing avenues, several for scheduling content, and a handful for analytics.

Most of them don’t need you to be tech savvy or have prior experience (a bonus if you have any).

You’ll find dozens with beginner-friendly templates and those without aren’t as mind boggling.

And if there is any you need help with, check out some courses we’ve reviewed up on the site to guide through Photoshop, Canva, and Mailchimp.

Ask me what are digital marketing tools you can’t do without and I would list twin pages because the industry doesn’t really work with one or two.

All in all, the digital marketing channels you use for your brand will influence the tools you select.

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