Do You Need Math for Digital Marketing? Analyzing Data

Do you Need Math for Digital Marketing
The statistics of math lovers shocked me after brief research – 60% of the world’s population are for it.

So unexpected!

There are some careers that don’t need math, but others like information security analysis, financial planning, computer programming, and accounting heavily depend on it.

So, do you need math for digital marketing?

You don’t need math for digital marketing, but it is a plus if your mathematical background and experience is solid.

Math is helpful when analyzing and understanding consumer statistical data from campaigns and surveys.

Results from the analysis help you decide whether to continue with the same campaign strategy and approach or change it for better results.

Digital marketing is a vast field and some sectors hardly need math knowledge.

However, others like Pay Per Click that need you to calculate CPMs and CPCs need a proper understanding of algebra to get useful results.

Do You Need Math for Digital Marketing?

Math isn’t a necessity when looking for a digital marketing job.

The little knowledge you have in the subject is a good starting point, especially if you are a novice in the career or want to venture into it because you can learn mathematical aspects (if your section requires any) as you work.

Or, there are numerous online courses and tutorials that have straightforward formulas for different digital marketing math needs.

Check out areas of digital marketing that need more mathematical work.

Social Media and Customer Engagement Analytics

A social media manager needs mathematical knowledge to help set up spreadsheets, track progress, and make solid decisions from the results.

I know there are tools like Zapier and Buffer that you can use to calculate necessary social media metrics, but what if you are on a tight budget?

You will want to know your engagement rate – how your audience is interacting with your content through likes, shares, comments, or downloads.

A new metric that needs more research and math tactics to discover is the social media buzz share in the market.

It is the rate at which social media users are talking about your business.

Such information is relevant to help you weigh your popularity in a market share and good talk attracts more business to your brand.

Negative feedback is part of responses to a brand’s offerings and general operations.

You want to know the rate of negative feedback to know if you are about to get into hot soup, especially if users are reporting posts or using the thumbs-down button regularly.

Mathematical results after this should help you know if it is time to rethink your marketing strategy.

Other areas that need your calculator’s input are identifying the follower-to-following ratio and average shares, downloads, likes, or comments per post.

Email Analytics

Don’t underestimate the power of email marketing metrics.

These are crucial for improving email newsletters and marketing campaigns.

You need to know how to calculate email bounce rates, which calls for cleaning your email lists.

It is easy to identify your brand’s email opening and click-through rates to know when to change subject lines.

Conversions are the expected end result for most email campaigns, thus it is crucial to know the rate and learn where most buyers are coming from.

Online Advertising

Do you need math for digital marketing if online advertising is your primary focus?

You will need some basic math formulas to get important metrics for PPC and online advertising.

I mentioned earlier about understanding how to calculate CPM and CPCs.

CPM/CPIs are vital as they help you know the number of times an ad is displayed on a search engine or web page without including click numbers.

Evaluating these metrics will influence your decision on whether it is better to pay by impression or per click.

Don’t confuse this with conversions per impression – this is the number of actual sales from each impression.

Online marketers whose content is mainly YouTube videos will need to know the cost per view for each video ad.

And if you want to know if your online ads strategy is working effectively, get your click-through rate.

More clicks per impression mean you are steering in the right direction.

Fewer clicks mean you have to target your campaign delivery to the right segments or improve the design of your advertisement.

RPC (revenue per click) is an underestimated metric but helps you know the amount of money you get from each click to plan ad expenditure accordingly.

If you are getting more revenue per click, it is time to invest in ad campaigns, as long as there are conversions from the clicks.

Do You Need Math in Digital Marketing? – FAQs

For the few who find math challenging, here are some questions and answers to help you decide whether it is a career you can embark on.

Q) Does Math Needed in Digital Marketing Make It a Tough Career?

A) Not quite because there is much that goes into terming a career as ‘Tough’.
Besides, the metrics can be calculated by programs like Buffer and workable formulas have been invented to make work easier for you.

Q) Do Digital Marketing Courses Teach Math?

A) Generally, digital marketing isn’t a math-heavy career.

Learning material mostly contains theory parts with few graphs and mathematical formulas where necessary.

You won’t need to enroll in separate advanced math courses.

Q) Is Math a Requirement When Applying for a Digital Marketing Job?

A) No, math isn’t a requirement when applying for a digital marketing job since employers don’t indicate it.

Last Few Words

Do you need math for digital marketing?

You don’t need math for digital marketing since most mathematical needs can be met by software and formulas available online.

It is a bonus if you are math savvy because it comes in handy when calculating click-through rates, conversion rates, and other vital metrics.

Buddies with a solid math background will find it easier and faster to get such figures because it can be a pain in the ass when dealing with numbers if you aren’t a fan.

Overall, digital marketing isn’t a math-dense career like financial analysis or accounting, and when you can’t manually work the numbers out, get software to make it quicker and less overwhelming.

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