Learn Canva from an Expert Designer – Creating a Logo and Brand!

Learn Canva from an Expert
Join 300,000+ students in learning how to create a unique and attractive logo and brand in 61 minutes.

Description of the Course on Skillshare

Whether for a business, blog, or enterprise, Canva is among the best design tools.

You can use it for anything from flyers logos, banners, and magazine covers to presentation resumes, stories, flyers, and posters instantly among other things.

Maybe, you could be struggling to remain consistent on the marketing and branding front.

Or, you want to create visual designs that many people will notice and recognize online.

I understand your predicament because I have been in your shoes before.

You might not understand the necessity of consistent visual branding and its meaning in the crowded WebSphere we are currently in.


I can attest that awesome visual branding today, matters!

Here, you will learn how to use it to create a logo and brand for your business.

Canva offers tons of features and has become popular among millions.

Lindsay has put together a 61-minute course to show you different ways of creating logos and brands using this program. It is a short course I’d say.

It covers one use of Canva only and you can complete it in one sitting if you have more time to learn online.

But if you don’t, Skillshare is a flexible platform that allows you to take this course at your pace.

You can take a class a day or plan depending on your schedule. The course has 9 lessons for now.

Each lesson lasts between 2 and 13 minutes depending on the complexity of the topic.

I run several online websites and I upload content every other day.

Canva has been a good tool to use over my years of working online and I recommend it big time.

Though, a problem I faced in my learning journey was getting straightforward information that is easy to understand and follow through.

I wish courses like these were available then.

Anyways, it is never too late as we learn something new each day. Lindsay has this to the simplest explanations possible.

There are no difficult terminologies that will send you to Google each time.

The course is rated at beginner level and the delivery of the concepts is easy to flow with and practice.

This is a practical course that will need you to work around logos to perfect your creativity.

Whether you are doing it for your site or business, or want to learn a new skill that you can monetize, this course is the solution.

Lindsay engages her students in the discussion section through their projects and questions.

Nothing beats a responsive instructor. Such availability makes it easier for students to learn faster and be confident to start using their newly acquired skills and knowledge immediately.

Over 3,300 students have enrolled in the course today on Skillshare but from her profile, Lindsay has taught over 300,000 students how to create logos and brands through different platforms.

From the reviews here, I pointed out that she is smart, calm, and has great mastery of Canva in general.

It is easy for anyone to create a course. But it takes an expert to create an impactful course like this one.

She chooses Canva because it is open-source and free-to-use software.

You will learn to use it to create compelling logos for whichever projects.

But, if you choose to get into logo and brand creation professionally, you can opt for Canva Pro.

This gives you access o premium features, shapes, fonts, stock photos, and templates.

Also, if you don’t want to purchase its Pro version, you can make an in-app purchase.

You don’t need to have any knowledge or experience in graphic design to take the course.

With the information in this course, you will learn the basics you need to know about creating logos and brands.

For whichever reason, you need to create logos, join the course now and learn what Canva can do!

Course Content and Overview

This is a Canva course that only covers logos and brands.

If you hoped to learn broadly about Canva, this isn’t the right course for you.

But, you can check other Canva courses on the website.

We have beginner courses and guides, Canva for social media and so much more.

You won’t miss a detailed introductory course.

If you have been longing to learn how to use Canva for logos and brands, this course is the right one for you.

As a cloud-based design alternative, it is among the best and most recommended by graphic designers.

I know there are other programs like Illustrator, Photoshop, and the likes. But Canva has an easier interface and is free.

Lindsay has over 12 years of experience in the design industry.

She has used a plethora of software and knows which works best for specific tasks.

The course has a lot of insights for beginners and advanced designers alike.

Yes, even though it is a beginner’s course, it contains a few tips that advanced designers didn’t know could be helpful for quick ad designs, social media campaigns, and projects.

The class takes you through and logo and branding task.

Lindsay will create one social media graphic and business card and a poster.

You can do the practice project as she explains each task’s steps.

Or, if you are the student that prefers to watch and learn first, that’s still alright. Choose how to catch your rat!

As part of the course assessment (this is optional but recommended to be done), you will be required to create a logo, poster, and a business card for a company (fake or a real one).

Share your projects with the instructor through the discussion section for feedback and areas to polish if any.

You can go through the discussion section to see what fellow learners have done and read through feedback from Lindsay.

There could be a few things to learn from their work too.

However, there is a note by Lindsay on using Canva.

She insists on the learners checking Canva’s legal section on rights and licenses of using their graphics and elements on logos or other tasks you are working on.

While working on the projects with Lindsay, you will be learning the fundamental elements of Canva.

The instructor provides expert layouts, design, and branding advice that will be helpful during and after the course.

If you can join the course as soon as now, that would be a closer step to the world noticing you through the incredible logos you design.

Think about this,

Currently, there are over 3 billion internet users.

With this huge population, there is a need to be extremely intentional about your content creation goals.

How you present your brand to ideal customers counts a lot.

The most crucial thing is creating branded marketing visuals that stand out and make your brand more recognizable.

Most brands and companies go unnoticed both online and offline.

When internet users are browsing and notice tweets or posts of images people share, there are a few aspects about the brands that catch their eyes. Not for all though!

If you ask the majority what mostly impresses them, the feedback would be how images are designed.

So much goes into visual branding and appeal to customers.

It could be the designs, colours, and fonts used by the designer that are consistent across all social media platforms.

The brand’s website, or graphics posted on their socials and so much more.

Lindsay explains how to get started with logos and the numerous options available.

These range from vertical or horizontal positioning to making them white and black or coloured.

Do you want to know about logo appearances and graphics for social media? Take the 61-minute course today!

Who is the Course for?

  • Brands
  • Companies
  • Corporations
  • Freelancers
  • Creatives
  • New and advanced graphic designers
  • Freelancers and entrepreneurs
  • Logo designers
  • Anyone in the branding field
  • Anyone who wants to know how to create a logo, poster, or business card.

What you will learn

  1. How to get started with logos
  2. Why you need a variety of options to work with
  3. How to create a second logo to use as option B
  4. Create various versions of your logo – it could be horizontal, vertical, coloured, or black and white.
  5. Ways of exporting files in the correct format using Canva
  6. Creating social media graphics
  7. How to create a poster
  8. How to create a two-sided business card


  • Class preview
  • Getting started with creating a logo using Canva
  • How to create another logo to ensure you have options
  • How to create a vertical and a horizontal version of your logo
  • Creating black and white versions of your logo
  • Exporting your files from Canva in the right format
  • Creating a social media graphic
  • Designing posters
  • Creating two-sided business cards

Course Requirements

A computer with an internet connection

No prior knowledge or experience in graphics design

Download and install the latest version of Canva

Learn how to create branding and logos

FAQs – Questions about Learn Canva from an Expert Designer Course

Q) I already have a Canva Pro version but I have no experience using it. Will it be applicable for use in the course?
A) Yes. Since it has the basic elements included it should work well. With the Pro version, you have access to premium features like magical resize, transparency, organizing designs, and adding them to folders among others.

Q) Does this course show how to use the brand kit in Canva Pro?
A) No, this course only shows how to design different elements of your brand like a logo, poster, social media graphics, and business card.
The brand kit helps you put together and save your brand assets. You can access them anytime you need them.

Q) Can I practice everything I learn in this course on the go?
A) Yes, you can take the course online and download the Canva application that works almost similar to the desktop version.

Q) Can I use one of the logo pre-sets?
A) Yes, you can use any logo pre-set. But, ensure to edit it to avoid clients from finding similar-looking logos online or offline. It is crucial to maintain a unique visual edge.

Last Few Words,

As you can tell from the course review, it is easy to cut your niche and stand out online.

Most importantly, get noticed with good branding.

If you are in dire need of getting a grip of your business’s visual branding and want to get things back on track pretty fast, start with this course.

First impressions last and the same happens when anyone sees the logo of your brand as a visual introduction to your business.

Let’s agree: in this digital era, creating your professional-looking logo has been made easier.

Now that you are ready to learn how to personalize logos for your business or other’s businesses if you’d like to earn from the knowledge in this course, it is vital to take in a few things.

While Canva for basic design is free, it has its set library with elements available to all its users.

There are legal notices on how to use the program that you should adhere to.

Follow the rules to ensure you create logos and branding that sets your business apart from the competition.

A logo is a calling card representing your brand. A good one needs to symbolize the company’s core mission.

For any entrepreneur, a logo conveys your brand in the most powerful way possible.

Hence, it is crucial to take as much time in considering your brand’s elements.

All said, taking the course gives you access to all the information you need to know on creating a striking logo that can speak to customers.

What Students are saying about the Course

I am building my marketing agency and Canva has been my go-to source for the company’s graphics.

This course has been a valued part of my business’s branding and I am happy to have saved a lot that should go towards expanding my business.

Its tools are user-friendly and the tons of professional customized templates make it easy to do most branding tasks.

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